i am very new to sockets and finding it far from easy. Please treat me
like a complete idiot when replying
When I use a program like httplook I get a whole lot of GET statements
GET http://www.whatever.com/graphics/logo.gif
200 ok
Am I correct in thinking that GET is the http REQUEST sent from my
computer and that 200 OK is the http RESPONSE to that request (200 = no
error) and that as this is a http request all this information went
through port 80 on my computer?
In order to monitor (listen?) to what is happening on port 80 I need to
use a socket in my vb.net program. By listening to this port will I
access the same information as above?
As I've said, I have virtually no experience of sockets - all I've done
so far is to get a socket to connect to a site. In order to do that I
had to specify a domain name and then use dns.resolve to get the IP.
Is it always necessary to specify an actual webpage/IP address.
I may have misunderstood this - but if I'm running IE and i have a
webBrowser in vb.net do they both share port 80?
All I want to do is to pull the same info as seen by httplook - any
help is much appeciated.
thank you.
i am very new to sockets and finding it far from easy. Please treat me
like a complete idiot when replying

When I use a program like httplook I get a whole lot of GET statements
GET http://www.whatever.com/graphics/logo.gif
200 ok
Am I correct in thinking that GET is the http REQUEST sent from my
computer and that 200 OK is the http RESPONSE to that request (200 = no
error) and that as this is a http request all this information went
through port 80 on my computer?
In order to monitor (listen?) to what is happening on port 80 I need to
use a socket in my vb.net program. By listening to this port will I
access the same information as above?
As I've said, I have virtually no experience of sockets - all I've done
so far is to get a socket to connect to a site. In order to do that I
had to specify a domain name and then use dns.resolve to get the IP.
Is it always necessary to specify an actual webpage/IP address.
I may have misunderstood this - but if I'm running IE and i have a
webBrowser in vb.net do they both share port 80?
All I want to do is to pull the same info as seen by httplook - any
help is much appeciated.
thank you.