Monitoring Disk Space


Joe Smith

Does anyone know of a handy (preferrably free) tool that will monitor the
disk space on a server machine and send out appropriate alerts if the disk
space is getting too low?


Herb Martin

Joe Smith said:
Does anyone know of a handy (preferrably free) tool that will monitor the
disk space on a server machine and send out appropriate alerts if the disk
space is getting too low?

PerfMon/System Mon -- built in since NT days and
so free if you own Windows machines.

You can even setup the monitor to run as a service
(not in NT easily) and so always be available.

You want to create an "Alert" but that is not limited
to just "alerts" (Messenger service) but can also run
arbitrary program.

Note: This is only practical for "threshold" type
counters (where the value goes through some value
and tends to stay there.)

This makes sense though for Disk Space.

(And doesn't work that well for CPU%.)

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