Monitor wont turn on?

Mar 1, 2009
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I was playing an online game the other day and the screen started to turn greenish. had green dots. so i restarted and windows wouldnt load up although the green dots werent there anymore. i just moved my comp from the living room to my room and now the monitor wont turn on...its plugged directly into the gpu on the mobo and its reading the monitors there buecause it doesnt say no connection. any ideas...please help. thank you
Kirby89 said:
I was playing an online game the other day and the screen started to turn greenish. had green dots. so i restarted and windows wouldnt load up although the green dots werent there anymore. i just moved my comp from the living room to my room and now the monitor wont turn on...its plugged directly into the gpu on the mobo and its reading the monitors there buecause it doesnt say no connection. any ideas...please help. thank you

Sounds like something may have come loose best things to do is first try the monitor on another pc or the pc on another monitor if you can and see what happens. If its still the same then open up the computer and make sure that everything is seated correctly also take out the GFX Card and reseat it and see what happens.

Failing all that it could be a dead card.
Kirby89 said:
yea its all seated well and the monitor is fine. how can i be sure its the gpu?

if you can then try it in another pc to make sure it works ok. Do you get any beeps when powering on?
well i have another mobo but i dont know how to set up the power supply and hardrives or i would try it. i dont want to make anything worse. but this is very frustrating.
Kirby89 said:
well i have another mobo but i dont know how to set up the power supply and hardrives or i would try it. i dont want to make anything worse. but this is very frustrating.

Does it not come on at all not even for a second or so? What are the specs of this pc? Does the the pc beep at all when you turn it on?
ummm well i dont know what all specs new to this whole computer thing but the monitor does not turn on at all. and no beeps.
Kirby89 said:
ummm well i dont know what all specs new to this whole computer thing but the monitor does not turn on at all. and no beeps.

Well its either got to be the GFX Card chip on the board, if its in built. Do you have access to another monitor at all just to double check thats its not the monitor.

Please run this program below and it will tell you all your pc specs then post back with the specs.

Have you tried taking your ram out and trying it with one stick at a time?
No no one has suggested that. and my brother has dual monitors and he gave me this one and it was working just before i tried it on here. so its not the processor? how do i do the ram thing?
Kirby89 said:
No no one has suggested that. and my brother has dual monitors and he gave me this one and it was working just before i tried it on here. so its not the processor? how do i do the ram thing?

Ok then it looks like its not the mointor, just one more thing to do is try and reset the monitor back to factory settings, this is usally in the menu using one of the buttons on the mointor sometimes this can sort this out. The ram, all you need to do is open the side of the casee and take one stick out and test it again with each stick one at a time, make sure you earth yourself before going inside the computer do this on a tap.

Let us know how it goes.
Kirby89 said:
what do mean make sure you earth? im new at this sorry.

Ok computer parts are very fragile earthing yourself before you open up the case stops any static electric harming any of the parts inside the pc.
the case is already open. this is my brothers old mother board and it doesnt fit my case. but ok ill try the ram thing.