O.K., Pop', my screen resolution is set at 1440 x 900 pixels and color
quality is set at 32 bit.
Perfect. Also, assuming you're North America, scan rate should be 70 Hz or
higher, whichever gives the cleanest looking no-flicker display. I work at
1024 x 768, 75 Hz most of the time and it suffices well; Gamma I think is
about 1.4 in my case; maybe 1.38. I keep digital exposure times at 1.1 and
occasionally up as high as 1.4.
I use Millers Professional Imaging lab for
my work. However, I am a bit new at all this digital stuff. I do
have another computer, a Compaq Presario desk top with a Mag
Innovision monitor that are both about four to five years old. (I
can't remember) but it seems to do o.k. I just set up that monitor
to match the Millers color management guide. Although they ask you to
set up to daylight temperature, I did not have that option on either
Perhaps it's a setting on your video control panel for the video card?
The contrast on the HP Pavilion seems to be extreme,
however, and I had a very difficult time not having whites washed
completely out.
That's going to be your problem, I bet. From your description it sounds
like it's not a minor saturation issue but that your colors are blooming and
bleeding all over each other; you'd never see fine detail with that, I don't
I think your issues are around either: The display monitor you have (which
I said previously wasn't the case, I know), or, more likely, the
brightness/contrast/saturation/gray levels settings. Yes, "gray" levels,
and I understand it's color prints your'e working with.
IMO, you should display a known-good previously edited image on the screen.
Set the monitor settings as best you can for the best display.
Next open your video card controls and further adjust things to your
You mentioned "Millers color management guide": I don't know what that
particular one is, but NOW try to set IT up. It's very important when
you're setting pure colors that there is no pattern of any kind visible in
the pure color, IF you have the option of doing so.
"Daylight Temperature" might have a different name in your
system/programs. What it's talking about is the color depth for various
times of the day; sunlight, shadow, flourescent, that sort of thing, if that
helps any.
Are you using sRGB? Perhaps you have the wrong color space chosen?
... To fit the image to a 5 x 5, I added more
black to the top and blended the colors to even out the change.
I'm not sure what you mean there. Resizing an image should not in and of
itself require any color manipulations. I assume you used your image editor
for the resizing, right?
know, this is probably not the best way to do this, but, as I said,
I'm a bit new at all this digital stuff.
You've got lots of company, believe me! <g>
This time, I did not turn
the monitor down, I simply could not see the problem at all. The
last time, the problem showed up on the final images. This time, my
assistant caught it before it went to print.
That's good at least. It sounds like you at least have a control point
where you can get things checked out until you get things right.
You might not expect this, but here's another thing that can greatly change
how your images show on screen: YOUR printer.
IFF you could install the same printer drivers as your assistant has,
then it's possible to come pretty close to being able to see the same things
onscreen. You do NOT have to have the printer; you simply need the printer
installed and chosen as the default printer while you are working on your
images. I've done that several times in order to "see" what my destinations
"see" and it served me well. Just don't forget to change that printer
before you print anything real or you might spit out a lot of sheets of
garbage<G>! I did that, too!
Usually print shops will have requirements for submissions such as file
size, print size, dpi or ppi to dp, eRGB, CMYK, and on and on, depending on
the printer. Are you able to meet those requirements with any reasonable
Any help or suggestions
would be great. I got this computer at Costco, and I know I could
return it easily (that's why I love shopping there). But if there's
a way to get it to work, I'd like to give it a try.
I'll offer you two things if you wish to pursue it:
-- Give me your exact computer model number and I'll see if I can check out
its abilities. A URL would be even better, but I can find that on my own.
-- Send me one good and one problem image, preferably a before/after, and
I'll take a look at them here and see if I have anything to suggest about
them. If you want to go this route, I'll give you a "real" email address to
use, and of course I'll need yours also in case you use throw-aways.
-- Have you pursued the link I gave you for photoshop talk?