better to leave electronics on than to make them turn on and off all the
Not really. Use to the power supplies in most PCs
and peripherals came on with big voltage spikes as
the caps charged up pulling a bunch of current through
coils and such. Those spikes could damage circuits
.... mainly transistors. Now, the supplies come up
without those spikes, plus the circuits are protected
much better. Now, the real damage is done by heat.
If a computer or monitor is left on continuously...
the hard drive bearings wear out ... connections that
have a continuous DC trickle through them corrode
and become noisy ... power cables and any connectors
stress and relax giving poor resistive connections
( especially power cords ) .. solder on the circuit boards
tends to oxidize and become brittle .. on and on. I
repair this stuff all the time, and when somebody brings
me a flakey PC that has been on for a couple of years,
I can do just about nothing. It is ruined, and there is
no way a smart tech would put a warrantee on something
like that. He would be taking it to raise for the rest
of his life ... for free. I turn my equipment off, and it
never wears out.