Monitor Resolution Problems



Hey folks!

I reinstalled the video driver on my MSI-M662 laptop; after finishing
the installation all the icons and fonts became very small, more than
that, also the documents on the word processor and web pages look
much, much smaller.
I have coped with this problem by enlarging the icons and fonts via
Desktop->properties->Apearance->...and by using the Control Panel ->
Display->..., but this is only a patch, not a solution to the problem.

I would like to correct the problem and since it all started after
reinstalling the video driver I believe the solution lies there, I was
wondering if someone here knows how to go about reseting the old

Thanks in advance


ArbolOne said:
Hey folks!

I reinstalled the video driver on my MSI-M662 laptop; after finishing
the installation all the icons and fonts became very small, more than
that, also the documents on the word processor and web pages look
much, much smaller.
I have coped with this problem by enlarging the icons and fonts via
Desktop->properties->Apearance->...and by using the Control Panel ->
Display->..., but this is only a patch, not a solution to the problem.

I would like to correct the problem and since it all started after
reinstalling the video driver I believe the solution lies there, I was
wondering if someone here knows how to go about reseting the old

Thanks in advance

Sounds like it defaulted to a high resolution on you. I'd suggest first
experimenting with lower resolutions (everything will become larger) and
if your screen doesn't like that, try playing with the dpi setting in
your video properties. It's normally 96, I think it is; up it by 20%
and see if it helps.

You can also set "Larger" options in various places, but they seldom
cover everything all at once, thus the suggestion to work with
resolution or dpi settings.



ArbolOne said:
Hey folks!

I reinstalled the video driver on my MSI-M662 laptop; after finishing
the installation all the icons and fonts became very small, more than
that, also the documents on the word processor and web pages look
much, much smaller.

I get the feeling that you're looking at the native resolution of your LCD
notebook display. How big is the display? What is the screen resolution set
I have coped with this problem by enlarging the icons and fonts via
Desktop->properties->Apearance->...and by using the Control Panel ->
Display->..., but this is only a patch, not a solution to the problem.

It is not a problem so there is no solution. The only "problem" I can think
of is the fact that you're not satisfied with your notebook/laptop native
I would like to correct the problem and since it all started after
reinstalling the video driver I believe the solution lies there,

Once again I don't think there is any problem. By installing correct video
driver, your screen resolution is set to native resolution. If it appears
too small, you have several choices:
- Change the resolution (Display Properties - Settings)
- Uninstall the correct driver and use VGA/compatible driver or whatever it
was before
- Get a bigger notebook/laptop

Mark Adams

ArbolOne said:
Hey folks!

I reinstalled the video driver on my MSI-M662 laptop; after finishing
the installation all the icons and fonts became very small, more than
that, also the documents on the word processor and web pages look
much, much smaller.
I have coped with this problem by enlarging the icons and fonts via
Desktop->properties->Apearance->...and by using the Control Panel ->
Display->..., but this is only a patch, not a solution to the problem.

I would like to correct the problem and since it all started after
reinstalling the video driver I believe the solution lies there, I was
wondering if someone here knows how to go about reseting the old

Thanks in advance
Make sure you have the correct driver. Go to the website of the manufacturer
and download the correct video driver for your model laptop. Uninstall the
video driver from add/remove programs in control panel. Reboot and install
the new driver. Reboot and set the resolution to the native resolution of the
display. Consult the owner's manual for that information. If things are still
the same, then you've probably been using the wrong resolution setting all
along. If you want it back the way it was anyway, try System Restore, and go
back to a point before you made the initial change that you didn't like.


ArbolOne said:
Hey folks!

I reinstalled the video driver on my MSI-M662 laptop; after finishing
the installation all the icons and fonts became very small, more than
that, also the documents on the word processor and web pages look
much, much smaller.
I have coped with this problem by enlarging the icons and fonts via
Desktop->properties->Apearance->...and by using the Control Panel ->
Display->..., but this is only a patch, not a solution to the problem.

I would like to correct the problem and since it all started after
reinstalling the video driver I believe the solution lies there, I was
wondering if someone here knows how to go about reseting the old

Thanks in advance

Set the screen resolution back to whatever it was originally. You can do
that by...

1. Right click desktop

2. Select and click "Properties"

3. Select & click the "Settings" tab

4. Move the slider

When/if you change back to the former resolution the stuff you made bigger
is going to be even larger so you'll have to return them to their former
state as well.



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