Monitor not recognising HDMI cable


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
I've just run into a bit of a problem. As some of you will know I'm setting up a new PC. I connected-up various peripherals, and on firing up the new beastie for the first time, it lit up, fans whirred, etc., but, the monitor kept telling me that "no cable is connected."

I used the HDMI socket, and first tried connecting that to an HDMI selector switch. No joy. So I switched off the new PC and switched on my old Vista (which I tried with a DVI to HDMI adapter.) Same thing happened, screen remained blank except for the "no cable connected" message. Rats!

Tried plugging them in directly (removing the Selector.) Didn't work.

Tried using the VGA to VGA sockets on the new PC and monitor. Still blank.

Now I'm attempting to use the grey DVI to VGA adapter that came with the computer. But it refuses to fit into the darned DVI socket. I've tried. OH has tried - just won't go in. (We recently had the same problem with fitting the same kind of adapter into the older computer. We struggled with it for ages, then it suddenly just sank into the socket.... we just assumed it was because the tower was badly positioned, making working on it difficult.)

Now a bit stuck... does anyone have any ideas please?

Thanks for reading. :D
DVI Ports can be tricky, because there are handful of different layouts depending on if it's DVI-D or DVI-A (there may be a couple others too). Is the monitor you're using a TV that works as a monitor, or a monitor? What model is it?
Seems the monitor doesn't like the selecter switch. Unplug monitor from mains and disconnect any video cables, leave a few minutes. Then try connecting new PC using HDMI to HDMI lead or DVI to DVI lead.

try the same with old Vista PC.

btw, there's no difference in quality between DVI and HDMI as far as video is concerned, the only advantage HDMI has is it carries audio as well but you don't really want to use the monitor speakers do you?

If all that fails try the VGA connection(s)

If that fails then your monitor's knackered.
Thank you both for your replies :)

Oh dear... Alow's mention of layouts caused me to look again. There was another socket, lower down than the one I'd been trying to use! The darned DVI slid in very sweetly (of course) and voilá - the screen came to life as it should! :o

What a wallie eh? But thanks so much for the info - it really helps such a lot. :D
Are you trying to connect everything the way you want using the KVM? if so, DON'T, go back to basics first instead.

On your new PC, set it up as normal ... I would use the DVI socket I have marked it the pic, if you have to use the 'grey' converter, use the one that came with the graphics card, not all are equal.

I would strongly suggest making sure you can "see" what your doing to avoid any bent pin scenario ... look at the socket, look at the plug ... try it for size, with no power.

If that fails, try out the 'on-board' graphics socket, the one next to the blue socket, or the blue socket itself ... if these were the ones you were trying to use in the first place, I'll need a return train ticket.


[edit] OK ... ignore what I said, I could be wrong. :lol:


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Let me guess, you were trying the DVI and/or HDMI ports on the motherboard and not the one on the graphics card? :)
Mucks, you have just confirmed that I am indeed using the correct socket. That was the one I "found" after trying the one up top previously...duh!

No, I don't have a KVM yet. I was only trying the HDMI selector gadget... but as you've already seen, it didn't work.

That was a bit of a blunder on my part. But hey, guess what, I'm accessing PC Review on my new Beastie!! Yay! Managed to install Windows, plus drivers... after a couple of hiccups. Namely, it kept re-starting (as it's supposed to... but then would prompt me to agree to the T&Cs, before telling me that it couldn't install for various reasons.

Anyhoo.. I ended-up deleting and starting again... this time it just installed sweetly and started-up. So, as I said, I followed-up with the drivers and all that stuff, and here I am!

Can't seem to see the two discs though. They are definitely there, I'm positive of that, because they both showed-up initially, at the time of the install. But.... where the heck has the larger one gone now..? :lol:

I saw it mentioned as disc #0 when I was noseying around... but it doesn't seem to come up as an option when I install anything. Gotta say I'm puzzling over that one.

This is certainly speedy compared to Vista though. I can see why everyone speaks well of 7 now. :thumb:
discs, disks ... you mean hard drive ?

go to start button, type in Disk Management ... you should see ... create & format disk partitions, click on it ... tada! or, you could go the long way round.

next! :)

oh, congrats!! :thumb:
Oh yes! There it is! Says it's unallocated... will just have a read of your linky, thank you.

I should explain that I've not previously used partitions, just the simple C:/ drive. That's why I'm probably sounding like a complete numpty lol.
Glad everything's working! And I'm with Mucks, it probably just needs a format. When installing an OS, it usually only formats the drive it installs to. Enjoy the new machine! :thumb:
When installing anything large, like a game, insure you click "custom install" so you can point to that BIG drive, otherwise your small SSD will become full very quickly.

Glad everything's working! And I'm with Mucks, it probably just needs a format. When installing an OS, it usually only formats the drive it installs to. Enjoy the new machine! :thumb:
Thank you :D That's helpful to know.

When installing anything large, like a game, insure you click "custom install" so you can point to that BIG drive, otherwise your small SSD will become full very quickly.

Thanks Mucks :thumb: I've installed the OS to the SSD, the intention being to install games and other stuff to the larger HDD. That's why I started nosing around, so that I'd hopefully get it "right" and not use up the little one.

It sure boots-up quickly. I've grown used to waiting an age for Vista to get going. Not that I'm grumbling - for a 5-and-a-bit year old, it's copes quite well. (I'm loyal, can you tell..? :D)