I have a small home network. I usually turn it all on at 7am and off at
On one workstation, I can visit it several times throughout the day and
everything is OK for most of the morning and afternoon, then at one
point in the evening I'll go to use it and the monitor, mouse and
keyboard are totally unresponsive. The machine hasn't crashed because
I can still access the files on it from the other computers. The
windows power saving features are set to "always on" and the BIOS
settings have not been changed. It was fine until about a week ago,
then this condition developed. I do turn the monitor off and on as
needed but there was no problem until recently. Can anyone offer some
advice please.
On one workstation, I can visit it several times throughout the day and
everything is OK for most of the morning and afternoon, then at one
point in the evening I'll go to use it and the monitor, mouse and
keyboard are totally unresponsive. The machine hasn't crashed because
I can still access the files on it from the other computers. The
windows power saving features are set to "always on" and the BIOS
settings have not been changed. It was fine until about a week ago,
then this condition developed. I do turn the monitor off and on as
needed but there was no problem until recently. Can anyone offer some
advice please.