Monitor ICC profile not loaded

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Like many serious photographers my workflow is colour profiled so what I see
on screen is printed, using separate ICC colour profiles for monitor and
printer. I have done this for years.
I now have a problem with Vista32 Ultimate SP1 where the monitor ICC file
(correctly located in ...spool/color) and with the monitor color options
showing my ICC and with "use my profile" checked -- it doesn't.
The monitor profiling to generate the profile file runs fine and the result
on monitor is great until I sleep/resume or reboot -- at that point my
profile is briefly loaded and then "kicked out" as it reverts to native.
I need to find a way to stop Vista doing this -- and ideas?

I'm not an expert with color profiles by any means but I do use a personal
color profile due to a problem with Samsung's default color profile using
Vista. If you open regedit (Start > Run > type regedit, click OK) and
navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows
NT\CurrentVersion\ICM\ProfileAssociations\Display, your color profile keys
should be in a subfolder under 'Display'.
My subfolder is '{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}' which also has a
subfolder '0001'. 0001 contains my personal color profile.

Check yours, maybe it's not creating your profile into the registry. Here is
exactly the way mine is setup in the registry.

There are 4 keys within 0001:

1) Default: 'value not set'

2) ICMProfile: a Multi-string Value key (REG_MULTI_SZ),
value data is: 1st line says 'SM2220WM.icm' (Samsung's default color
profile), 2nd line says 'Profile Fix for Windows Photo Gallery.icm' (my
personal color profile)

3) ICMProfileSnapshot: a Multi-string Value key (REG_MULTI_SZ),
value data is: 1st line says 'SM2220WM.icm',
2nd line says 'sRGB Color Space Profile.icm'

4) UsePerUserProfiles: a DWORD (32-Bit) Value key (REG_DWORD),
value data is: 1

Many thanks. The registry entries were exactly as you set out except of
course my colour profiles were there. Sadly Windows isn't using them.
I have found a workaroud, but not very elegant. The makers of my monitor
profile instrument (XRite) have a tiny utility which changes the monitor
colour profile on the fly. It's a bit old and I run it it XP compatibilty
mode -- but it works -- until I use sleep or reboot.
It is useable -- the reality is that the native colours on my laptop are
intense and blue biased which is fine for browsing. But with the profile I
have created the grey background of Photoshop is a muddy combat yellow -- but
importantly the images imported from my PC and I know print well are
beautifully rendered (for a laptop). So I have some confidence editing I do
when travelling will no be wasted.
Not very elegant but practical, thanks again though -- hopefully this post
may help others

Glad to offer a little help, sorry that I can't help you any further though.
Good luck.

This has been a known problem with Vista since its inception, one of the
many performance issues that Microsoft pretends does not exist and makes no
effort to fix.
The color profile is unloaded under many, many circumstances in Vista and is
not automatically reloaded.
The only reliable solution is to make sure the proper color profile is
loaded prior to beginning a Photoshop session. You should not need to reboot
your computer to do that even with an older Monaco X-rite calibration