I have a 20" Dell CRT that is about 3 years old, has been a great high end
display until recently. I am running a Radeon 9600 AGP card in a Dell
Dimension 8200, 2 Ghz Pentium 4, 1 Gb RAM, everything has been great until
about 3 months ago, I noticed faint diagonal lines running from upper right
down to lower left, about 2" apart. I have tried changing refresh rates,
screen resolutions, everything, and nothing seems to make it go away. These
lines even appear when the machine is first booted up, when the very first
images appear, before any kind of video drivers are loaded.
Does this sound like a monitor hardware failure starting to develop? Is
there anything I can do about this, any hardware tweaks inside the monitor
itself? I have several video diagnostic tools, and they all run fine, and
indicate no driver or card problems.
Any thoughts or suggestions? TIA
display until recently. I am running a Radeon 9600 AGP card in a Dell
Dimension 8200, 2 Ghz Pentium 4, 1 Gb RAM, everything has been great until
about 3 months ago, I noticed faint diagonal lines running from upper right
down to lower left, about 2" apart. I have tried changing refresh rates,
screen resolutions, everything, and nothing seems to make it go away. These
lines even appear when the machine is first booted up, when the very first
images appear, before any kind of video drivers are loaded.
Does this sound like a monitor hardware failure starting to develop? Is
there anything I can do about this, any hardware tweaks inside the monitor
itself? I have several video diagnostic tools, and they all run fine, and
indicate no driver or card problems.
Any thoughts or suggestions? TIA