Monitor flashes image, then black

Feb 27, 2007
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I have a Metro 17" LCD monitor that has gone blank. It started the other day with a reboot solving the problem. Now nothing works. I've checked to make sure the video card isn't loose and disconnected/reconnected cables (power & video). If I turn off the monitor and turn it back on the screen shows the image for a split second and then goes black again. Any ideas??
Try another monitor ... but I suspect the PC itself, no signal being received.

i know this sounds crazy but my monitor has a habit of going blank, its still got power and signal theres just a loose connection somewhere inside, a firm smack on the back brings it back to life though

Note: if you break it i will not be held responsible, this is merely advice it does not mean you have to follow it
Thanks for the help. Last night when I went to turn off the computer I turned the monitor off and on and it stayed on. The image was a bit washed out and the only thing I could not adjust was the brightness. Turned the whole thing off and this morning it's back to just a millisecond of image then black. I'm leaning towards something going on with the monitor itself as there is a signal getting through, it just won't stay on the screen. I will try another monitor and see if that works. I'll also try giving it another smack. I did try that yesterday but with no luck. I know it used to work with our old TV's. Not to worry, no law suits pending :-)
......Thanks again