Jim Cladingboel said:
How can I "persuade" WinXP/Home/SP3 to replace its 2001 Plug & Play
driver, with the monitor manufacturer's 2003 driver?
The update is always denied, with the smug statement that Windows has
already found the best driver for that hardware.
Are there problems with the Windows Plug & Play driver? Does the
manufacturer's 2003 driver offer any additional features or
functionality? If neither applies, why do you want to install a
different driver?
Upon the assumption that you do need to install the 2003 driver, create
a Restore Point (just in case). Then, follow these instructions:
Unless you have the driver on CD, save the driver file(s) to a temporary
location on your hard drive.
Open Control Panel and navigate to Device Manager (via System |
From the hardware list, right click on the active monitor and select
"Update Driver". Don't connect to Windows Update, so select "No - not
this time". On the next screen, select "Install from a list or specific
location". On the following screen, select "Don't search. I will
choose the driver to install".
Then, select the type of hardware (which will probably be listed as a
generic plug and play monitor) and click "Have Disk".
Insert the CD (if applicable) and browse to your CD drive - or browse to
the location on your hard drive where you previously saved the driver
files. Follow the instructions to install the driver.
You will receive a warning, if the driver has not been digitally signed
by Microsoft as approved for Windows XP. If the driver is unsigned, you
should consider the risks and if necessary, you may need to use the
restore point to revert to the generic plug and play driver.