Monitor doesn't see new comp.

Dec 22, 2007
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Hi there!

Just recently I had purchased a new pc, here are the specs:

AMD 5400 CPU
2G RAM 800mhz DC
Nvidia 8800 GT GFX Card
Xion Solaris case 450 W PSU

Alright, my problem is, after putting it all together, i try to connect the monitor to the GFX card, it doesn't read it, I tried to plug it into the integrated GFX card that came with the mobo, and it still doesn't work, I keep getting the monitor stand-by signal, and the Check Signal Cable message. Any ideas as to why is happening? I am not to expierienced with computers so if there are any obvious things I haven't done, please say so.

Power is working through out the machine.
GFX card works.
CPU fan is on and working.


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Do you get a beep ?

Are you sure you have all the power connectors connected correctly ?

Asus are gettin on my pip, that MB has 2 video controllers, duh! So I suggest you take out your 8800 and try just the on board crap, err, innovation!

For some strange reason, the PCIe is supposedly to add HDMI support with an add-in card ... its looking for the digital home market, it ain't a gaming MB!! Though you are err, supposedly able to use a decnt graphics card.

You PSU should be fine, maybe, don't know what that case uses.

oh, welcome to the forums ... :D

EDIT: I had gotten one long really loud beep, but it was telling me that I forget to plug power to the 8800, after that, no beeps at all.

I have tried the ingrated gfx card and it doesn't work either, what i'm trying to do is to get to my bios menu.

Btw, I did buy the 8800 for gaming, and what you're telling me is that my mobo can't even hold it? Be serious lmao, i wan't to know to send it back or not, and thanks for the welcome.

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Sorry, if you linger here long enough, you'll get to know me ... maybe. ;)

My opinion of MBs with on-board graphics is ... cheap office material, I wouldn't call the ASUS M2A-VM a gamers MB, it's a value oriented MicroATX motherboard, sorry.

Did you take the 8800 out of the PC ?

Make sure you are unplugged from the mains.

OK, I downloaded the manual ... but I can't copy the text, the stupid thing is copy-protected. :rolleyes:

Go to page 1-21 ... seems you need to get into the BIOS first before installing a graphics card ...

Look for the "jumper" on the MB ... CLRTC ... to clear the CMOS, and try again. It's the next page from the above one. Section 1-9, page 1-22

Oh, yeah, send it back and get a "proper" gaming MB, they don't have onboard graphics. :D

Alright, i'm in a bit of an argument going on here, my friend is telling me to get it working, you're telling me to get a new one, i'll try what you told me to do, thanks and if I get no luck, or any at all, i'll still be back.

prodigEE said:
Alright, i'm in a bit of an argument going on here, my friend is telling me to get it working
Is your friend an expert at these things?
If not listen to what Muckshifter advises you.:thumb:
My friend is pretty expierenced with computers, he builds his own and what not, I turn to him mainly for computer advice.

Muckshifter, I tried what you had said, still not working. The monitor just doesn't see the mobo, either on Digital or Analog. Any other crucial elements I could be missing? If you cannot think of anymore problems, its alright, thanks for the suggestions though.

No beep = dead MB

usually, sometimes, maybe something else, should get some beeps of some sort

It could be a low powered PSU ? As stated by Asus: ".. the system may become unstable or refuse to boot up at all." if using an inadequate PSU ... I also take it as read, you did connect the 4pin power supply as well as the 24pin main power cable.

Me, I build out of the case first, with bare essentials only, but then I only been building PC for 22 years, so I'm still learning too. ;)

The only time I recommend re-setting the CMOS/BIOS is if a PC refuses to boot ... it should have "loaded" the low default needed to boot. I'm afraid, without the PC in front of me, I can't help any further.

What is unusual for any MB is that fact on that one, you needed to enter the BIOS first, before installing a PCIe graphics card, and turn HDMI support OFF.

That MB still ain't aimed at a gamer, it is primarily for a "Media Center" setup.

Sorry, can't help much more.

Alright, well thanks anyway, my friend had said that it was possible for the PSU to be causing the problem, i'll try taking my old 400W one, but before I do that, look up at my first post, do you think 400W can support my specs?

Well, I took the liberty of trying it out, still no beeping with the new PSU.

I take it as the motherboard being faulty? Someone confirm, no rush really, have 25 more days till I can't send this piece of crap back :P.

Thanks for the help guys!
