Monitor 100 folders


Christie Sorenson

I have previously posted in the addins newsgroup about
this, but I'm thinking I may be going about this the wrong

I have about 100 folders and I need to capture whenever
something is added to any of them (It would be a mailitem
moved from another folder to this folder). I currently am
using an addin and am capuring the itemadd event for each
folder, but it takes too long to loop through all of the
folders to add each of them to my wrapper class collection.

I was wondering if there is another way to find out when a
mailitem is added to any of these folders?

Thank you,

Dmitry Streblechenko \(MVP\)

Monitoring 100 folders it really not a very good idea. What exactly are you
trying to do? Besides being a performance bottleneck, keep in mind that the
notifications are dropped under heavy loads, plus ItemAdd event will not
fire under Exchange if more than 16 items are added at the same time.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

Christie Sorenson

Yes, I have realized it is a bad idea. I've wanted to
make it seemless when the user moved an email to one of
these client folders, it would add a record to the
database. I have decided just to add a button and have
them chose which client folder to move it to and then I
record it. It's not too much work on their part and much
easier on mine!

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