Money manager

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve
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I have never tried it nor do I know exactly what it does..
I know it only from its name.. perhaps you can see if its similar.. oh and
this also runs on linux, but that is not much of a problem with virtual

to calrify the above.. I meant this runs ONLY on linux,
but you can run it on windows host with a virtual machine with linux client
installed on it.

John Jay Smith said:
I have never tried it nor do I know exactly what it does..
I know it only from its name.. perhaps you can see if its similar.. oh
and this also runs on linux, but that is not much of a problem with
virtual machines...

John said:
to calrify the above.. I meant this runs ONLY on linux,
but you can run it on windows host with a virtual machine with linux client
installed on it.
Wrong again, Kenny.

GnuCash <> runs on UNIX systems, as well as Linux

And, to the OP - yes, it does have the functionality of MS money, and more.

Gary B-)
Hey why "wrong again kenny?" What is it with some people in here?

linux is a "unixoid" OS... what I meant was that it does not run on
By the way it runs on BSD macosx too (other unix based OS's) so even your
answer was not complete....

The chance if him running or even having BSD or MACOS is very small.. we are
talking about 1, 2 percent..
So I did not mention them... he probably has windows, and running BSD or
MACOSX in a virtual machine,
may be possible, but not so efficient for various reasons.

I did not claim that I know much about this program.. thats why I provided
the link so he could go see it...

However after posting I did look into wheather it is like MS money.. and
found posts saying they are similar..
and that some import information from Money into gnucash.
So I think It was a good thing I posted this information for the OP, not
something "wrong".

As Helen Keller has said,

"One thing I know that is worse than being blind; it is to be able to see
but have no vision."
Gary, you dont always win over people if you protrude your as* in the air
for them.

Someone who has ideas must hold on to them, even if this means he is not
liked by everyone. Sorry but thats how it goes.... in fact the better
sometimes you are, some people start to hate. This is documented in history
very well.
It has happened over and over and over again.
I am not ignorant...

They say that "no one kicks a dead dog".

But if you stop for a moment and try to understand that I truly care about
people... and I always go the extra mile for them, without asking something
in return, you will understand who I am.

I am here to serve....

You apparently do not know me well enough... people who know me, think that
I am a loving, caring, good person...
And this is true without doubt... this is who I am.

Now if someone irritates me too much I can be a bit nasty.. but even then I
do it with a humerous way..
as if to show them that its all foolish... I cannot hold on to hate or anger
too long.. thank God, this is a gift!

What friend would you perfer Gary? Someone who is popular, or someone who
you could depend upon?

Gary R. Schmidt said:
John said:
Hey why "wrong again kenny?" What is it with some people in here?
It's just your winning ways.

Gary B-)

Armful of chairs: Something some people would not know
whether you were up them with or not
- Barry Humphries
Gary R. Schmidt said:
Wrong again, Kenny.

GnuCash <> runs on UNIX systems, as well as Linux

And, to the OP - yes, it does have the functionality of MS money, and

Gary B-)

Sounds better than OK but, I have : no Linux; no UNIX; no Linux client
combined with no hankerin' to add another layer of confusion to the PC.
Almost forgot, no wish to get you guys arguing about trivia <g>. Even if it
is significant trivia <bg>.
Taf said:
"Steve" <No Spam> ha scritto:
Try this old free version with multiaccounts.
You can find here: (Version 2.1.9)
it is coming from an italian website where You can find some rareware SW.
by Henry The Mole (he is posting here very often!)

ByE bYe By Taf®

A: Because it disturbs the logical flow of the message.
Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
R: Perche' disturba il flusso logico della lettura
D: Perche' "postare sopra" e' tanto fastidioso?

Molto buon. Grazie