So I am trying to jump into module coding and would appriciate a quick mod
to accomplish so I can study the syntax.
Have a table called t_Assets with field names (Server_IP, Server_Name
Location etc)
Have a form that displays assets by Location. This form is based on a query
user inputs location code and the form brings up all servers in that
location. Form name f_AssetsbySite
On that form for an individual server I want to add a command button to
bring up all maintenance records for that server, by Server_Ip That field
in the Assets Table is called "Server_IP" and the same in table
So since the form is already open based on a query for that location, would
I simply open the t_AssetmaintWindow table and filer the t_AssetmaintWindow
by IP address equal to the forms current Server_IP? if so can you provide
the syntax for a mod?
I hope this makes sense
to accomplish so I can study the syntax.
Have a table called t_Assets with field names (Server_IP, Server_Name
Location etc)
Have a form that displays assets by Location. This form is based on a query
user inputs location code and the form brings up all servers in that
location. Form name f_AssetsbySite
On that form for an individual server I want to add a command button to
bring up all maintenance records for that server, by Server_Ip That field
in the Assets Table is called "Server_IP" and the same in table
So since the form is already open based on a query for that location, would
I simply open the t_AssetmaintWindow table and filer the t_AssetmaintWindow
by IP address equal to the forms current Server_IP? if so can you provide
the syntax for a mod?
I hope this makes sense