Modular or Non Modular, That is the question.


Oct 26, 2006
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Hi All,

Now, after reading more about Modular PSU's, I'm concerned and don't know if I should get one or stick with the standard. I read this online article below and now I just don't know.

Whats your opinion on it all and has anyone had pc parts fail because of a Modular PSU not providing your componets with the right voltage or if it fluctuates alot ?

Ok, I've just had a quick read of that article, what total crap.

How far shall we take this resistance argument?

Where your PSU plugs into the mains? Shall we hard wire the computer into the ring main then?

Where each PSU connector plugs into a component?

I've been working repairing, modifying and building electronic and electrical equipment since 1984 professionally and years before that as an amateur and in my humble opinion that article was written just to put the fear up people - at best the tester doesn't know what he's doing, at worst it's total crap.

Bloody hell.
Load of **** that article is...

My pc in my sig, had it since October last year. Built by me. Thats 14 months @ 4Ghz 100% stable all day every day. Infact its been running at 4.2Ghz for the last 1 or 2 months still faultless. :)

Its been faultless, and i am a heavy PC gamer (Well was until Gran Turismo 5 came out!)

Maybe a cheap crappy generic modular PSU may suffer what they said, but a decent one like a Corsair etc wont.

Cheers for the truth guys, thats settles it then, Modular PSU all the way, but I'll deffinately want to get one high enough to power the components, can you do your system any damage if you used a very high PSU ?. I guess a 850W would do for the i7, Sabertooth mobo and a high end gfx card. something like 1000W too much?.

I keep hearing Corsair is good and I know you've had an Antec or 2 fail on you floppybootstomp, which is not good in any light, I used a 480W Antec True Blue PSU when I built a system about 6 years ago, still working today (now this is where it gets confusing). the system I was talking about before over the last month or so where the hard disk failed, that was my fiancees PC, the one I'm talking about with the Antec True Blue PSU, is the system I built over 6 years ago.

That system does have a problem aswell now, I had left it with my brother who lives in Cirencester still. then he tells me recently that it wont load up windows and has graphics problems on screen. So I bought it back hear to see if its just the gfx card gone on it. (the pc specs are in red below)

When you turn it on, you get the mobo screen but the screen has squares all over with like green and blue colours, gets to the windows loading screen then just goes black but the hard disk is still active and I guess is loading windows but I just can't see it

Anyway, going off the subject there. Thanks for your help again. I feel like I'm not contributing though if the truth be told. wish I could give you guys some advice but I'm not at your level. Hope to be though one day

Sounds like the graphics card is knackered, can you try a substitute to prove?

Also worth trying a different graphics lead unless a different lead was used at your brother's place.
My fiancess's PC (Which I'm using now after switching over the hard disk and reinstalling Windows XP), has a Geforce MX440 4X AGP Gfx card, very old I know lol, and has never been any good for playing games on so my PC collection stayed unused for the last few years.

What I do for love, I move to wales and then give up my PC gaming lol.

I'll use this gfx card and lead later if I get time. the Asus P4C800-E Deluxe mobo can take both 8X and 4X.

Will keep you updated.
Yup, was the graphics card, damn thing, is screaming now when the system is turned on, fan on it must be knackard aswell.

If my memory serves me right, I bought the card of V_R nearly 4 years ago I think lol. was great when I used it for GTA San Andreas and Mafia etc.

Shame its gone to the land of silicon heaven. Still a good system so worth trying to get another card for it, pref another 6 series Geforce AGP 8X or even better a 7 Series.

Then I'll take it back to my brothers.
Yep thats right, Lasted alright though aint it. :)
CSB said:
Cheers for the truth guys, thats settles it then, Modular PSU all the way, but I'll deffinately want to get one high enough to power the components, can you do your system any damage if you used a very high PSU ?. I guess a 850W would do for the i7, Sabertooth mobo and a high end gfx card. something like 1000W too much?.

You cant have too high a watt PSU, it would just be un-needed/waste. Unless your planning on running 2 or more 480GTX's then 700w is more than enough.

I only have a 600w running a similar motherboard with an i7, 6870 and 6 gig of ram, and i wouldn't even change my PSU if i were going to crossfire my 6870 with another 6870.
Just out of curiosity I used this online PSU calculator just to see what a typical i7 system would need Link

I didn't know the full spec but chose the following parameters:

i7 2.9, the one with the larger cache
3 sticks DDR3 memory
2 standard SATA hard disks
High end motherboard
2 optical drives
3 external USB devices
No PCI cards
ATI 6870 vid card
3 120mm fans
90% utilisation

This came as quite a surprise but that calculator reckons a good quality 400 watt PSU would suffice :eek:

400 watts.

Well I never...
This came as quite a surprise but that calculator reckons a good quality 400 watt PSU would suffice

400 watts.

Well I never...
Old dog, new tricks :p

my 450 is doing well :lol:
I actually have a 350 watt Jeantech PSU running my media machine.

Effortlessly, I might add ;)

However, were I to build a new fangled i7 box of tricks I'd go for the Corsair modular 750 watt.

It's just the right thing to do, simple ;)
Deffinately lasted well V_R, Gave me some good gaming moments until I moved lol.

Might run 2 graphics cards in the New build in future in SLI mode, how much of a gain is it though in real terms ?, just a minor advantage for the serious gamers out there is it ?.
sli & crossfire = very little bang for the buck.

You want beefy graphics at this moment in time just go for a single Nvidia GTX 580 (Prices start round £430.00) or an ATI 6970 (Prices start at £280.00)