Moding HTML Files

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim Williams
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Jim Williams

I have a whole load of routines in OUTLOOK that do different things
depending on the attachment.
I mess around with excel spreadsheets and word documents - what i need
to do now is receive a word document and then save it as a HTML page.
I then need to alter the BODY tag of the saved HTML document to insert
some "onload" events.

How do i edit the html document in the vba. When i was messing with
excel and word i did this

Dim objword As Word.Application (or excel)
Set objword = New Word.Application(or Excel)

objword.Documents.Open (worddocument)
objExcl.Workbooks.Open (exceldocument)

how do I open the html document - i was looking for something simple
Dim objNotepad as notepad.application - but that doesnt work

any ideas

Your post is more suited to the Word programming newsgroups.

Try setting the FileName parameter of the Open method to the path of your
..html document.
Hi Jim,

do you really want to edit the file by VBA? For that you wouldn´t need
Excel or Word.

For just adding a few characters into the body tag I would use the InStr

Methods for reading/writing a file:

Public Function ReadFile(sPath As String) As String
Dim lFileNr As Long
Dim sText As String

lFileNr = FreeFile

Open sPath For Binary As #lFileNr
sText = Space$(LOF(lFileNr))
Get #lFileNr, , sText

If lFileNr Then
Close #lFileNr
End If

If Err.Number Then Err.Raise &H800A0000 Or Err.Number, _
Err.Source, Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext

ReadFile = sText
End Function

Public Sub WriteFile(sPath As String, _
sText As String, _
Optional ByVal bAppend As Boolean _
Dim lFileNr As Long

lFileNr = FreeFile

Select Case bAppend
Case False
Open sPath For Output As #lFileNr
Case Else
Open sPath For Append As #lFileNr
End Select

Print #lFileNr, sText;

If lFileNr Then
Close #lFileNr
End If

If Err.Number Then Err.Raise &H800A0000 Or Err.Number, _
Err.Source, Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpConsText
End Sub

If you´ve got the file content then search in it for the body tag:

lStart = InStr(1, sFileContent, "<body")
lEnd = InStr(lStart+1, sFileContent, ">")
sBody = Mid$(sFileContent, posStart, (lEnd-lStart)+1)

Write your characters at the beginnning:
sYourString = " YourString"
sBody = Left$(sBody, 5) & sYourString & Mid$(sBody, 6)

Insert the new body:

sNewFileContent = left$(sFileContent, lStart-1) & _
sBody & Mid$(sFileContent, lEnd+1+Len(sYourString)

HTH. Written in the morning before the first coffee and without tests...
fantastic - thanks for the code - works spot on

exactly what i needed to do
