Modifying the Style of a Caption


O. Olson


I am not good with the jargon, so this post may be unclear. If it is
then let me know.

I would like to insert "Figure 1" below a Figure, and I found some
instructions for doing so at
(though this page is for Appendices)

Once I "Insert > Reference > Caption" I found out that I wanted to
modify the style of "Figure 1" i.e. I wanted it centered instead of
left-justified. Also I would like to have the text following "Figure
1" to be formatted using a certain style. How do I do this?

Thanks a lot.

Daiya Mitchell

Hi O.O.

When Word inserts a caption for you, it also formats it in the Style
named Caption. You'll be able to change both those things by modifying
that style, Caption.

Shauna has instruction on modifying a style here--there are several
different ways and it can depend on the version.

O. Olson

Thanks Daiya.

I noticed that the "Caption" Style does not show up in the "Styles
and Formatting" dialog that shows up on the side - that's why I asked
this question. However after your post I noticed that it shows up in
the "Formatting of selected text" in the text box at the top when I
click on it.

So I managed to get the text "Figure 1" formatted according to what I
had expected. However, after that the text or the title of the figure
that follows "Figure 1" also gets the same formatting - which I don't
want. I wanted "Figure 1" to be bold - but the text following it to be
ordinary. Word allows me to format the next paragraph with a different
formatting - but not the text on the same line. Is there anyway to do

Thanks a lot

Daiya Mitchell

Hmm, automatically changing the format of the following text on the same
line is going to be a bit tricky. Word expects captions to each be their
own paragraph, and if you are building a Table of Figures later, you
want to make sure Word picks up the right text for that--at least the
title, not necessarily further text. If you want a TOF, I'd do a few
captions and do some experimenting with the Table of Figures before
choosing, as formatting and where the paragraph break is will make a
difference, I think.

You can change the formatting manually, each time.

Or you might set one up the way you want it, and then save it as an
AutoText entry, and use that instead of Insert | Reference | Caption
every time.

Or you might create separate paragraphs and combine them after the fact
with these tips:
(scroll down a bit, to Hidden Paragraph Mark and Style Separator)

Shauna has a very good explanation here of why only certain styles show up:

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