Modifying IE6 For tighter secutity

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Hi Guys please to help a poor wee newbee!! relatively new to the world of
computing, so i am paranoid about the security of my pc ,like most people i,m
sure!! prob, is that i was directed to a site explaining how to tighten up my
IE6 settings, however after a few tweaks i now find that when i go on a site
that has pictures or images i find i have an empty box ,no pictures or images
and a little red x,and when i click on this nothing happens! obviously i
have been a little over zealous in my fine tuning , could any kindred soul
out there tell me how i can put this to rights without compromising my
security on IE6. Your help would be welcomed with great happiness and joy

Yours eliza
eliza said:
Hi Guys please to help a poor wee newbee!! relatively new to the world of
computing, so i am paranoid about the security of my pc ,like most people
i,m sure!! prob, is that i was directed to a site explaining how to
tighten up my IE6 settings, however after a few tweaks i now find that
when i go on a site that has pictures or images i find i have an empty box
,no pictures or images and a little red x,and when i click on this nothing
happens! obviously i have been a little over zealous in my fine tuning ,
could any kindred soul out there tell me how i can put this to rights
without compromising my security on IE6. Your help would be welcomed with
great happiness and joy

Yours eliza

If you are so security conscious, why on earth are you using IE in the first

Use Firefox or Opera instead.
To Gordon thanks for reply, have only had pc since march, not the
appropriate reply i was looking for am very new to pci-ng, you may be well
aware of all thats to know ie. regarding security but some of us are still
learning the ropes am sure you must have bee a newbee once!!!!!!
eliza said:
To Gordon thanks for reply, have only had pc since march, not the
appropriate reply i was looking for am very new to pci-ng, you may be well
aware of all thats to know ie. regarding security but some of us are still
learning the ropes am sure you must have bee a newbee once!!!!!!

Best course for newbies is to locate friends and users who
are close by and who have the time to show and teach. This
process cannot really be done remotely, as via a newsgroup
in the Internet. This is especially true as no one solution
or method can fit all, and Security is one of these areas
where the method needs to be tailored to the user and the
user's local environment and networking goals. Yes, we were
all "newbies" once but it only takes a few vital, experiences
at running Windows to become "experts" and then, perhaps, even
(e-mail address removed),
eliza said:
Hi Guys please to help a poor wee newbee!! relatively new to
the world of computing, so i am paranoid about the security
of my pc ,like most people i,m sure!! prob, is that i was
directed to a site explaining how to tighten up my IE6
settings, however after a few tweaks i now find that when i
go on a site that has pictures or images i find i have an
empty box ,no pictures or images and a little red x,and when
i click on this nothing happens! obviously i have been a
little over zealous in my fine tuning , could any kindred
soul out there tell me how i can put this to rights without
compromising my security on IE6. Your help would be welcomed
with great happiness and joy

Yours eliza

First off, if you haven't done so already, you might want to
post your question to the Internet Explorer newsgroup.

Discussions in Internet Explorer 6 General

Next, it would have been helpful if you had included a link to
the web site whose directions you followed when you changed
your IE settings.

Now for your problem:
Open Internet Explorer.
On the toolbar at the top of the window, click on Tools.
From the menu that drops down, click on Internet Options.
In Internet Options, click on the Advanced page.
Make sure there's a check mark in the box next to "Show
pictures" in the Multimedia section.
Click OK.

If you want to start over again adjusting your IE settings, do
the following:
In Internet Options, on the Advance page hit the "Restore
Defaults" button.
On the Security page, hit the "Default Level" button for the
Internet Zone.

Finally, if you plan on using these newsgroups on a regular
basis, you might want to access them with a real newsreader. A
real newsreader would be a program such as Outlook Express or
Mozilla Thunderbird. Here are some sites which show you how to
set up Outlook Express to access the Microsoft newsgroups:

Courtesy of Michael Stevens, MS-MVP
Setting up Outlook Express Newsreader

Windows XP Newsgroup Setup Instructions for Outlook Express

Microsoft Public Newsgroups

Good luck

Reply to ghostrider
Thankyou for your reply and advice, most appreciated this was all i wished
to know,i can see were your logic is coming from and appreciate what your
saying the only problem is friends etc, all have different advice and it,s
hard to know what to do for the best as you say we all probably have
different expectations for security. Being a Newbee i thought the best place
to address my problem would be to go direct to this forum in the hope that
some kind soul could give me at least a simple , pointer in the right
direction and were better than a windows news group after all i did pay a
great deal of money to by microsoft products, i did however find the answer
to my issue, no probs on another forum without any hassle so all is well

Yours eliza
Gordon said:
If you are so security conscious, why on earth are you
using IE in the first place?

Use Firefox or Opera instead.

Jeez, you're a real dunderhead; what, low of ego today?
Many thanks to Nepatsfan, hope i got that right!!
just what i wanted, although i found it out already, but never mind, the
advice about outlook express news reader etc,is already in hand ,had already
printed off how to set up this aft,will comply, however got there in the end
so many Thanks for advice

Reply to POP

Why don,t you get a life you saaaaaD!!! tosser, and in case you do,nt know
what that means it,s something you do with your hand(jerk!!!!!) is that how
you got your name POP, obviously don,t have a dame to do it for you!!!!
rather have an ego than no life you sado POP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!