A year ago, someone asked what MS's position is wrt modifying XPe boot
screens by hacking the OS files with a resource editor.
Andy Allred replied:
But that's the last I heard of it (I hope I didn't miss any follow-ups
if they appeared in a separate thread).
What is MS's position regarding adding your own company logo to the
boot screens?
And replacing them completely? You can suppress them, but how about
showing something else instead?
screens by hacking the OS files with a resource editor.
Andy Allred replied:
I'll forward the question and let you know.
But that's the last I heard of it (I hope I didn't miss any follow-ups
if they appeared in a separate thread).
What is MS's position regarding adding your own company logo to the
boot screens?
And replacing them completely? You can suppress them, but how about
showing something else instead?