modify current view and make it stick

  • Thread starter Thread starter William Stacey [C# MVP]
  • Start date Start date

William Stacey [C# MVP]

How do you modify the current view (i.e. contacts) to remove a field *and
make it stick. It returns to default when you go back to the view.
Click on Views, Current View, Define View and change it from there. That's
what makes it stick.


Lon Orenstein
pinpointtools, llc
(e-mail address removed)
Author of Outlook 2007 Business Contact Manager For Dummies
Author of the eBook: Moving from ACT! to Business Contact Manager
Thank you for your message! I tried the view menu but it still didn't fix the
customized view. I am trying to fix the view "by category" which is not in
brackets. Even if i hit apply the next time i come in it displays the
business cards view.

- Anja
Same here. I can't seem to find a way to make it sticky using any method.
Define views does not work either, unless I am missing something.
All: I've found that you have to create a custom view and apply it. Try
this procedure:

1. Select [View] [Arrange By] [Custom...]
2. Modify the view as you want it to look. Click [OK]
3. Select [View] [Current View] [Define Views...]
4. The ,current view settings> view naem is highlighted.
5. Select [Copy...]
6. Give the view a new name. I always use the current view name suffixed
with -Custom XX. Select [Can be used on this folder, visible to everyone].
Click [OK]
7. Click [Apply view]

This has made the customized view stick for the specific view folder. What
I can't seem to figure out is how to modify the various "content views" on
the BCM homepage. Everytime I make a change to them, they disappear when I
click out and come back. If anyone can help with this frustrating waste of
time, I would greatly appreciate it.