Srinivasulu Bhattaram
This what I do for preparing an invoice for a routine job.
1. I created a Master file and write protected it.(which is a one time job)
2. When I want to prepare an invoice I open the master file enter the data ,
select the cells to print, save as with a different name, print the same
selection to a printer (Adobe is my printer).}
At the end of this process I get an spread sheet for the specific invoice
and a PDF file for the same.
I send the PDF file to my accounts department.
I created a macro using Record a Macro method.
It works fine
I want a small improvement in it.
2. When I run this macro, I have to provide the file name.
Is it not possible to create a file name using the contents of the file
(XLS) saved.
By that I mean .the file name should be
"Some Text"+(contents of cell of G15)+(contents of Cell H15)
In this particular case the file name will be
"Some Text 001 1st April 2008" (quotes not included)
Can any one help me to modify the macro?
Sub Procon_Bills_Save_As_and_Print()
' Procon_Bills_Save_As_and_Print Macro
' Macro recorded 01-09-2008 by Bhattarams
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"M:\Bills\2008-2009\Bill Data Excel Files\Test.xls",
FileFormat:=xlNormal, _
Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, _
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 5
Selection.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
End Sub
1. I created a Master file and write protected it.(which is a one time job)
2. When I want to prepare an invoice I open the master file enter the data ,
select the cells to print, save as with a different name, print the same
selection to a printer (Adobe is my printer).}
At the end of this process I get an spread sheet for the specific invoice
and a PDF file for the same.
I send the PDF file to my accounts department.
I created a macro using Record a Macro method.
It works fine
I want a small improvement in it.
2. When I run this macro, I have to provide the file name.
Is it not possible to create a file name using the contents of the file
(XLS) saved.
By that I mean .the file name should be
"Some Text"+(contents of cell of G15)+(contents of Cell H15)
In this particular case the file name will be
"Some Text 001 1st April 2008" (quotes not included)
Can any one help me to modify the macro?
Sub Procon_Bills_Save_As_and_Print()
' Procon_Bills_Save_As_and_Print Macro
' Macro recorded 01-09-2008 by Bhattarams
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"M:\Bills\2008-2009\Bill Data Excel Files\Test.xls",
FileFormat:=xlNormal, _
Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, _
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 5
Selection.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
End Sub