Modern Processors and Gaming - Do Ghz matter?

Jan 6, 2006
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Without Spilling into the whole Intel Vs AMD debate I was wondering just how important the raw speed of a processor is and how relevant buying a processor now is for gaming in the future...

AMD processors have a lower clock Ghz speed than most Intel processors. From what I understand AMD processors are superior for gaming but with games going to breaking into the 2 GHz mark as a minimum requirement does this mean that while AMD processors preform better, Intels are more future proof due to their high clock speed??

I'm probably being really dumb (:confused:) but for all those (including myself) who may be thinking of buying a computer for gaming, getting a good and future proof computer this may prove valuable.

P.S hope the thread doesn't develop into a slanging match between Intel and AMD fanboys!! :p

Thanks for any replies
It really doesn't matter anymore ...

Just buy the best you can afford no matter who makes it ... though I try and stick above 500cc's

future proofing is no longer a viable buying point of the athlon 64's. Reason being Intel's line of new cpu's are coming out over the next 6 months, and i would presume they have 64 capabilities.
I used to be an Intel addict, loved em. Then I went AMD64 and Intel never entered my mind again ;).

AMD processors run alot cooler which helps in games as your computer is less likely to shut itself down during heavy gaming :p.
Nah, come on, let's have a slagging match between AMD & Intel, it's so much fun :p

Cache! Hyperthreading! Bottlenecks! True fsb! Temperature! Real time benchmarks!

That should get y'all started :D

I figure that, as of now, if you have either an AMD 64 bit CPU minimum speed 2.2Ghz or a pentium chip of around 3.2Ghz then your gaming experience will be dependent on other factors - motherboard, graphics card, memory.

And FWIW - Intel suck :p
My trusty 2.8GHz Northie is going fine! Works a treat.

Overclocks to 3.4GHz, got Hyperthreading, and all that jazz - and was out way before the A64.

Now A64 is out, i dont think i would have another intel.


That dosent mean intel are BAD, just they arent as good :D
christopherpostill said:
My trusty 2.8GHz Northie is going fine! Works a treat.

Overclocks to 3.4GHz, got Hyperthreading, and all that jazz - and was out way before the A64.

Now A64 is out, i dont think i would have another intel.


That dosent mean intel are BAD, just they arent as good :D

Would you please stop talking sensible and rise to the bait :p
figures speak for themselves.

yesterday AMD shares were worth $33

Intel were worth only $25