Well, I used to be a mod at a Forum named Bitbenderforums which is run from Dallas and also frequented another Forum named PC911 as a member. Mucks was well established at PC911 (Now PCQ & A) and I believe is a Moderator there now.
Mucks and I got to know each other fairly well and Mucks also knew Ian and was involved with PCRUK at that time. When Ian revamped the site (this was before the crash) Mucks proposed me as a Mod to Ian and introduced me to him.
Ian accepted and I've been here ever since.
I believe Mucks introduced Quads as well.
We're a mixed bunch, Mucks is a grump; Chris is bursting with enthusiasm; V_R's a games freak; Quads is mad on photography, Ady is the very epitome of calmness and reason; Ian I'm convinced is a robot sometimes cos nothing ever seems to ruffle him and Bex is... well, she's Sexy Bex ain't she?
And me? Must I attempt to describe myself? Ok, short-tempered, doesn't tolerate fools gladly and tends to overstep the mark sometimes. Oh, and frequently tipsy. In fact I sometimes wonder at my own suitablity for such a post

How's that?
But as a team, with all our disparate personalities, my own view is that things are balanced.
All mods who've been appointed since the nucleus btw, have been proposed by the rest of us so I guess that answers the question.
Without exception - and I think this applies to the majority of forums worldwide - anybody who asks for a post is never granted one.