Plain text only for usenet, thanks.
If you're talking telco modem, consider a USR external serial port modem.
Some reasons, less trouble to install. Most people have an available
external serial com port not being used. Don't have to open the PC. Does
not rely on USB. Can be turned on/off by the user, not reliant on PC
interface for this.
Reasons against: more expensive, and requires a serial cable (not a serial
printer or null modem cable) for it, uses a a bit of desktop space.
I'm having trouble with the modem in my old computer I'm trying to set up
the modem connecting to the internet but the modem is not working. I want
to buy a modem can you please me what kind of modem get. That computer has
windows XP the processor is 1.00 the memory is 184 amd the harddrive is 18.6
please help