


My modem wants to go online even when I disconnect it

I have winxp sp2 configured for auto updates,would this setting cause
the modem to connect automatically, even after I have disconnected.

I have done a Norton virus check and it states no virus's ...



Go to Start the Run and enter


then click on the "Conections" tab and see if the option bution is selected
for "Dial whenever a network connection is not present"

This will cause your modem to dial automatically.

Select a different option then click "Apply.

Good luck


Hi Jake,

Right click My Network Places/Properties/Advanced (top toolbar)/Dial-Up
Preferences/Enable Auto-Dial by Location/Uncheck all locations and check off
always ask me before auto dialing. Also, Disable autodial while I am logged

In the Enable Auto-Dial By Location dialog box, select each location for
which you want the automatic dialing feature to operate. Reboot.

Disable or Enable AutoDial (Line 91)

To view the list of names and addresses recorded by AutoDial, type the
following command at a command prompt: rasautou -s

To delete a name or address entry from the list: Start/Run/Regedit

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\RAS Autodial\Addresses

You can delete any TCP/IP addresses that you see under this key. Note that
AutoDial can use IP addresses, DNS fully qualified domain names (FQDN), and
NetBIOS names.

Disable "Log on using dial-up connection" pop-up message (Line 77)

All the Best,
Kelly (MS-MVP)

Troubleshooting Windows XP

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