Roger Fink
I have two PCI internal true hardware modems, a USR 2976 and an ActionTec
PM560LKI. The specs of each say they can be installed on systems running
Windows 95, 98 or NT. I'm wondering if there is any reason one or the other
couldn't be installed on a system running Windows 2000. Since they are old
designs that came out at the start of the PCI slot era, my thought was that
maybe 2000 hadn't been released yet, so the manufacturers. never bothered to
put it in the literature, but that it would have been compatible
PM560LKI. The specs of each say they can be installed on systems running
Windows 95, 98 or NT. I'm wondering if there is any reason one or the other
couldn't be installed on a system running Windows 2000. Since they are old
designs that came out at the start of the PCI slot era, my thought was that
maybe 2000 hadn't been released yet, so the manufacturers. never bothered to
put it in the literature, but that it would have been compatible