Modem/LAN Question



I have 2 comps on a LAN, one with a modem, one without. Have used this
setup for several years. All of a sudden, the comp with the modem cannot
connect directly to the ISP, however, the other comp can get the modem to
connect (through the LAN) without difficulty.

Does this make sense, and/or does this sound like a modem failure mode?



If the PC on the LAN is connecting via the modem, it would'nt appear to be
modem failure.


Thanks - that's what I thought, but I'm pretty dense on modems. Then that
leaves a problem with the modem comp - any suggestions as to where to look
in it? The Device Manager reports the device is working properly. Usually
does :)



IceMan said:
A Comp? As in "competetive" price or a "comp" in real estate which is
a comparable housing unit for sale?

This is not a chat room. Please don't abbreviate everything. If you
mean computer, take the extra half a second and type those last 4
characters. It will make your post more readable and also make you
look more knowledgeable.

Everybody else understood. The fact that you obviously don't says more
about you than anything I could say.

People can post what they like. If you don't like it then don't bother to

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