Windows XP Modem issue on upgrade


Jan 8, 2007
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My sister has recently been given a Tiny PC which we have upgraded to Windows XP from Windows 98. The modem appears to be an HSP56 Micromodem.

When we try and connect to the internet we get an error message stating that there is no dial tone. The phone line is OK, the lead is OK and there does appear to be some activity as after trying to connect there is a noise on the phone line and no dial tone unless the PC is then disconnected from the phone socket. On running the Diagnostic on the modem in Control Panel the modem is said to be OK.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how we can overcome this problem?

Assuming the modem used to work with 98, I would suspect that you need to install updated drivers for use with XP.

Google around and try to find them :thumb:
Drivers Here
Drivers Guide well worth signing up for & it's FREE.
Yeah very common modem chipset. Drivers are easily come by. I always came across with internal modems tho, they never seemed to want to work properly due to the IRQ requests.

Is it an internal modem or an external one?

Another suggestion is to tell your sister to go onto Broadband if her exchange is upto it. Most broadband packages nowaday are cheaper than dialup and of course the added bonus of being........FASTER, ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM