How can calculate all the mode values ?
The function *mode* in Excel gives the first value only.
example, values on the column A:
1 3
2 3
3 6
4 7
5 7
Then the calculus of mode is:
=mode(A1:A5) equals 3
what is wrong, or at least less accurate.
the result should be 3, 7 because the distribuition has two modes.
«MODE(...) returns the most frequently occurring, or repetitive, value in an
array or range of data. (...) In a set of values, the mode is the most
frequently occurring value» (in the Excel Help).
How can calculate all the mode values ?
The function *mode* in Excel gives the first value only.
example, values on the column A:
1 3
2 3
3 6
4 7
5 7
Then the calculus of mode is:
=mode(A1:A5) equals 3
what is wrong, or at least less accurate.
the result should be 3, 7 because the distribuition has two modes.
«MODE(...) returns the most frequently occurring, or repetitive, value in an
array or range of data. (...) In a set of values, the mode is the most
frequently occurring value» (in the Excel Help).