Mode Function or MODE Function -- Can't get it to work!!

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I am unable to get the Mode Function to tell me the most frequently occurring
number in Column G from row 1 through 447. I place my cursor just below the
last entry in column G. I then insert the function =MODE(G1:G447) and I get
N/A references or circular reference error messages. There are no blanks and
the entire column G is formatted as numbers. PLEASE help. I've looked
Did you look in Excel help?

States in there that #N/A is returned if no duplicate points.

Is that your case?

Also to look say the data are formatted as numbers.

That doesn't necessarily mean Excel sees them as numbers. They could be
text in disguise.

In an adjacent column enter =ISNUMBER(G1)

D-click to copy down................TRUE or FALSE?

As far as circular references, I don't see how if your formula is outside
the range it references.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
#N/A is the correct result if there are no duplicates in the series.

For a circular reference, perhaps there is a circ ref somewhere else and
maybe Excel is coincidentally alerting you when you enter this formula.
Another small point, you say that the data is formatted as numbers, if these
are by a calculation say X * .075 and you have formatted the number to say,
one decimal place then two number may look the same but in fact be slightly
different. Always use the round function to get the same results. e.g.
=ROUND(youcalulation,2) calculates each formula to 2 decimal places.

HTH, Peter A
I appreciate everyone's answers, but nothing has worked. I have even copied
the numbers onto a blank worksheet to find the most frequently occurring
number in that row using the MODE function. Interestingly, AUTOSUM doesn't
work after I cut and paste numbers, so there is something very wrong in my
2007 Excel. If I don't cut and paste, AUTOSUM works.