Pooja Narang
I have vb.net windows application where in i am opening a modal form-
SubForm1 from MainForm1 (Not an MDIParent). When I switch over to another
application such as IE Browser window and get back to my application, the
modal form appears on top of the IE Browser window and not as a part of
MainForm1. I want the SubForm1 to always appear on top of MainForm1. I have
tried the following options:
I tried to set the owner of SubForm1 as MainForm1.
I also set the FormBorderStyle property of both MainForm1 and SubForm1 to
FixedSingle, but it didnt work.
When I tried to set the FormBorderStyle property to SizeableToolWindow,
SubForm1 comes always on top of MainForm1 but My Application is not visible
in ALT+TAB. It becomes accessible only through Taskbar.
Please let me know what property needs to be set to get the SubForm1 always
on top of MainForm1 and also the application should be accessible through
I have vb.net windows application where in i am opening a modal form-
SubForm1 from MainForm1 (Not an MDIParent). When I switch over to another
application such as IE Browser window and get back to my application, the
modal form appears on top of the IE Browser window and not as a part of
MainForm1. I want the SubForm1 to always appear on top of MainForm1. I have
tried the following options:
I tried to set the owner of SubForm1 as MainForm1.
I also set the FormBorderStyle property of both MainForm1 and SubForm1 to
FixedSingle, but it didnt work.
When I tried to set the FormBorderStyle property to SizeableToolWindow,
SubForm1 comes always on top of MainForm1 but My Application is not visible
in ALT+TAB. It becomes accessible only through Taskbar.
Please let me know what property needs to be set to get the SubForm1 always
on top of MainForm1 and also the application should be accessible through