Mobo drivers help needed


Sep 30, 2005
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I can't be expected to remember everything can I. :o
I did a replacement hhd and everything went just fine. Left friends to install anti virus etc and went home.

Excepting they had no sound or internet :confused:so they informed me when they phoned. Must just need a driver install I thought.

But the drivers would not install. :(
Well they are the correct drivers for your mobo. You did read me the correct model number of the box you have didn't you.
Try Everest and tell me what it says. :(
Everest says it don't know what I have.
It must be able to tell you what you have :(
It don't.Says "unknown".
It must know.


Cleaning out a cupboard I find a mobo covered in dust. Whats this I think. Oh its one of them. Wait a mo that should be in me friends pc.

Deductive powers come into play.

If this mobo is here it can't be over there. Hmm . Then what the heck is over there. :confused:

Memory wakes up. :D

Now I remember. I swaped mobo and cpu some time ago. So that means they have this mobo and cpu.

Lightening fast deductive powers kick in.

Then obviously those drivers won't do at all.
I'll need some different drivers.
Easy peasy.
Download and install these drivers matey and let me know how it went.

What they won't intall :mad: Oh no :( what do I do now

As as you can tell from the above I have made a right pigs arse of things.:o

So can I get rid of the wrong mobo drivers without having to do a fresh install :eek: An then install the correct drivers. :rolleyes:How would I do that.
Assuming they now have the correct drivers most of the stuff you want shot of can usually be removed from the control panel/device manager.

Identifying them may be problematic though, sorry I can't be of more help. Good luck.
Good, that Speccy :thumb: I'd overlooked it. Here's mine:


However, I still can't see how it can identify where to uninstall motherboard drivers.

I was a little confused by Abarb's first post but from what I can work out his friends have now identified the motherboard they have and want to uninstall the erroneously installed drivers.

But I could be wrong :confused:

It may also be worth looking in Control Panel/Add/Remove programs to see if anything obvious is listed.


  • speccy.webp
    35.6 KB · Views: 273
Ah i read it as he wanted to know what MB its got. I got lost in all the Emoticons!

Either way, Speccys good, Its from Piriform, the makers of Ccleaner, Defraggler and Recuva. :D

AB: Am i right in reading you just did a fresh install? If so then just format and reinstall again, will be quicker than faffing about IMO. ;)
Flops is on the money.

We found out which mobo it was.

But we had installed all the usual mobo drivers for a different mobo.

Tried to install the correct mobo drivers and am told , not recognised, no hardware found sort of messages.

If finding and installing the wrong drivers is very difficult then I guess I'll just have to do a fresh install.:(

An don't think about asking why there is not an Acronis backup that I could have used