Mobility drivers without CCC?

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Christian Atteneder

Hi Group!

So at last ATI provides drivers for notebook owners with mobility chipsets.
The only link I found on the ATI page offers a download with some sort of
wizard that checks if the notebook is supported and suggests a driver file.
From the name of the driver I guess it is a package with the CCC.
This crap will never ever be installed on one of my computers so where can I
download an ATI mobility driver with the _normal_ Control Panel?

these 3rd party tweaked ATI drivers have always offered
good support for Mobility chipsets.

Thanks for the link Sleepy. I know the Omega drivers and I have also used
the modding utility to make the standard drivers installable on a notebook.
I just wanted to try the original ATI mobility drivers to see if there was
something special about them.
