Mobile Phone Recommendations


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
It's coming up to the time when I have to renew my mobile phone contract, and I'm on the lookout for a new phone upgrade :D

I've currently got a k750i and I'm more than happy with it, but if I can upgrade it for free I might as well! I'm only on a £19/month plan, but most phones seem to be free upgrades after the 12 months is up.

I may just e-bay the new phone as the k750i is still working fine :thumb:
The Sony Ericsson K800i seems to be the in phone to have at the moment.
My own phone has just died, so using my old one, but Ian may be worth waiting as i am to see what bargains they have on offer for the Christmas period.

I know last year they had PAYG phones for as little as £30.

Thats the one I've had my eye on as it happens, so I'm glad its supposed to be a good one :thumb:

No harm in waiting a few weeks to see what Christmas bargains are on offer I guess :) Prices seem to have gone up compared to when I looked last year, so hopefully they'll dip in the coming weeks.
Mobile phone ?? You live in manchester . Wheres flat cap and pigeons then . :p
Abarbarian said:
Mobile phone ?? You live in manchester . Wheres flat cap and pigeons then . :p
Oh yes :D We've even got running water and electricity now :lol:
the k800i is a pretty cool phone, a couple of my mates have it and they love it

the samsung d900 is the latest one that they all seem to be pushing, it is a nice phone and some of the things it can do are pretty cool but it only has battery life of about 1 day!

i myself have just got a nokia n80 and again the battery life isn't great but with the features you get its not suprising
My vote is with the W850i or the K800i. Have seen and played with both and i think they're great phones. (This coming from a guy who didn't used to like SE phones) :)
Well there's a coincidence, my 18 month contract runs out with Orange on December 27th so I'm looking for a new phone and maybe a new contract.

Called into a few local phone shops recently and asked for a network that doesn't charge you for not paying by direct debit. Turns out they all charge you :( Orange are currently charging me £2.55 a month for not paying by DD and Vodaphone charge £3.00 a month.

Makes me angry cos I don't always have money in my bank account and if a direct debit isn't met, the bank charges me £25.00 :mad:

Oh well.

I won't buy ANYTHING Sony because of their audio rootkit shenanigans and other stuff, I don't like Motorola so that leaves Samsung and Nokia.

The one Sony Ericcson phone I had I really didn't like.

I'm all set to go with the Samsung D900, I've been happy with my Samsing D500.

Only deal that appeals to me so far is O2's which is something like £35.00 a month for 500mins; 150 texts for a 12 month contract.

Waddya all think?

Any advice and suggestions greatly apreciated.

I'm not hijacking your thread Ian, merely expanding upon it :D ;)
flopps if thats the long weekend contract its well worth it, you have 2000 mins to use on sat, sun and mondays on top of the minutes you get from the contract
Me__2001 said:
flopps if thats the long weekend contract its well worth it, you have 2000 mins to use on sat, sun and mondays on top of the minutes you get from the contract

Aye, it is that one.

Trouble is, I'm on 200 minutes a month at the moment but I never use them all up.

In fact, over 16 months I've managed to build up 200 minutes credit. This credit is constantly carried over, unlike O2, who delete unused minutes after one month.

Oh well, swings and roundabouts eh?

Guess I'll just have to phone lots more peeps :D