Mobile Phone - Please Help!!

Mar 5, 2004
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This is something i really hope someone can help with. My mobile was playing up last night, and this morning it wouldnt turn on at all!! I went round loads of shops (high street and little repair shops) and they all pretty much told me im going to have to send it back to be repaired. They will flash the memory and i will get it back but i'll have lost all my txt messages, pictures and contacts!! Total disaster!!

I've sent it off to be repaired, just wondered if anyone knew of any way to get that data off the phone before it's flashed? Ive tried plugging it into my computer, but it doesn't see the device cause i cant turn it on, it's dead!!

Any help really appreciated!!


Think their's a program called something like X-Copy or X Backup?
It can take off deleted data from phones??
Read it on the net a while ago, but cant remember where!
if you can't get it to power on then i doubt you'll be able to get any data
Me__2001 said:
if you can't get it to power on then i doubt you'll be able to get any data
I'm afraid this be correct - next time try using either the supplied software if it has it, or something like Oxygen Phone Manager to keep backups on your PC :thumb:
Cheers guys, i will take back ups in the future, im just pretty gutted at the moment cause ive lost quite a lot of things which have a lot of importance to me. Really wish i could get back those txt messages etc etc. :-(