Mobile Phone Info


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Some of you will probably know this already, but it is legal to unLock your mobile phone, if you need to (not to be confused with the illegal act of unBlocking - just to be clear.) So please don't think that I'm advocating anything naughty here. Could be useful to know how to do it, should you be thinking of upgrading your phone and want to pass the old one on to someone else. Link to: Money Saving Expert.

I recently told BT to cease my mobile account and went back to PAYG ... was surprised to find the phone took any SIM card I put in it ... didn't need to unlock it.

muckshifter said:
I recently told BT to cease my mobile account and went back to PAYG ... was surprised to find the phone took any SIM card I put in it ... didn't need to unlock it.


That was also the first suggestions made in that article - to try a different SIM first :thumb: but if that doesn't work, then other methods are available. Wish I'd known about it before actually... when I was looking for a new phone a while ago, the ones I liked, tended to be "locked" into phone companies that I didn't want to use :rolleyes:

We tend to stick with PAYG here too, because our mobiles don't really get used all that much :nod:
Iused my mobile phone 3 years ago when my car broke down , luckily for me I still had some of my original £10 left on the PAYG .

My Samsung D900 is unlocked.

Orange are one of the few phone suppliers who still lock them. They also put their logo on all the phones they sell.

Which is part of the reason I'm no longer with Orange.

Good link TC. Or you could pay a local vendor a tenner to do the job.
Abarbarian said:
Iused my mobile phone 3 years ago when my car broke down , luckily for me I still had some of my original £10 left on the PAYG .

What kind of phone do you have these days? I remember you were talking about phones a good while ago.