Mobile Phone Advice

Mar 5, 2004
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Well, it's that time again. It must be about 18 months since i last posted this thread!! :lol:

Just wondered what opinions people had about the best mobile phone at the moment? I have a Sony Ericsson K800i, and i quite like it, however i'd quite like to be able to browse the internet if i can.

Also, has anyone come across any good tariffs of late? I pay £35/month for 500mins and 500txts.


One word of advice that I can't stress too strongly: Stay away from carphone warehouse.

They are ripoff merchants, I had several very negative experiences with them on my last contract and without going into detail they're bad.

I was with O2 but couldn't get reception at home so went with Virgin. Very happy with Virgin mobile, good service, good reception.

If you want to keep your old phone and just change your network, Virgin can do 600 minutes and 600 texts for £25.00 a month (I'm on the £20.00 a month one and I kept my Samsung D900). And it's only a one month contract so you could wait until you see a phone you like before upgrading.. Link

If your old phone is in good condition and you have the box, manual, CD and all accessories, traders like Cex will give you a good price for it. This will offset the extra monthly cost of getting a brand spanking new phone.

Virgin do a range of new phone contract deals: Link

I'm not neccessarily recommending Virgin over any other Network (except maybe Orange, they treated my daughter bad) it's just that I get a good service from them. I would have stayed with O2 had their coverage been better, they also supplied a good service.

And interestingly - and I may have mentioned this before - I couldn't receive a signal on O2 inside the O2 (The Dome) :D

I'm not up on latest phones, I'd personally go for a Samsung G600 but everybody here seems to favour Sony-Ericssons. Myself, I won't buy anything Sony but that's just me ;)
I have the K800i its a couple of years old now though mate so a bit dated TBH. My girlfriend at the time gave it me it's the O2 limited edition Casino Royal version (Silver) with bits from the film installed. Waste of time TBH cos I just use me own wallpapers. Dont get me wrong its a good fone but as I said a bit old now.

Ive also got a W850i aswell thts a good one although needs unlocking
Dont get another Sony Ericsson! Ive had 3 in a row, and they have all gone wrong and none were my fault!
I've got the Nokia6300 which i bought for £99 as i'm on PAYG.
Great phone, has to be the best i've ever had!:thumb: