Scott Glasgow
Curious if anyone was successful in installing the update on an x64
installation of Vista and able to get it working?
Prior to the installation, I was able to access my HPC6700 phone without a
problem. I tried installing the update through Windows Update and running
the Mobile Device Center, but it crashes. I uninstalled the driver and
update, and ran the Mobile Device Center application itself and let it
download and install the update but I still get the crash when I try to run
Doesn't matter if my Pocket PC phone is connected not...same error. I've
tried uninstalling the device driver and letting it reinstall with the
update already in place and that didn't work either.
System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot process request because the process
has exited.
at System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessHandle(Int32 access, Boolean
at System.Diagnostics.Process.WaitForInputIdle(Int32 milliseconds)
at Microsoft.WindowsMobile.DeviceCenter.Program.Main()
installation of Vista and able to get it working?
Prior to the installation, I was able to access my HPC6700 phone without a
problem. I tried installing the update through Windows Update and running
the Mobile Device Center, but it crashes. I uninstalled the driver and
update, and ran the Mobile Device Center application itself and let it
download and install the update but I still get the crash when I try to run
Doesn't matter if my Pocket PC phone is connected not...same error. I've
tried uninstalling the device driver and letting it reinstall with the
update already in place and that didn't work either.
System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot process request because the process
has exited.
at System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessHandle(Int32 access, Boolean
at System.Diagnostics.Process.WaitForInputIdle(Int32 milliseconds)
at Microsoft.WindowsMobile.DeviceCenter.Program.Main()