MMC Dev'ing in .NET

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Though I have searched far and wide, I haven't been able to find a solid, qualified answer to my question: can an MMC Snapin be developed in .NET? Preferrably in fully managed code, however if necessary I would be willing to resort to unsafe code (as long as it cane done natively in C#)
I did run across several users that recommended a third-party, open-source solution - though in all cases a low-level implementation in C++ was required. I would like to keep all our development in a single language, though of course, we will adopt that direction if absolutely required
Truthfully, I'm surprised that its not more straightforward, seeing as how MS strongly recommends using MMC for enterprise configurations...
AviD said:
Though I have searched far and wide, I haven't been able to find a solid,
qualified answer to my question: can an MMC Snapin be developed in .NET?
Preferrably in fully managed code, however if necessary I would be willing
to resort to unsafe code (as long as it cane done natively in C#).
I did run across several users that recommended a third-party, open-source
solution - though in all cases a low-level implementation in C++ was
required. I would like to keep all our development in a single language,
though of course, we will adopt that direction if absolutely required.
Truthfully, I'm surprised that its not more straightforward, seeing as how
MS strongly recommends using MMC for enterprise configurations....

Well, MMC is based on COM, but I don't know what kind of work you would be
looking at to achieve it. Assuming all of the interfaces are implementable
in C# you should be able to. At any rate, the interop group might be a good
resource for both answering if its possible and for any problems you ahve
with COM interop.

I do agree, however, that a *good* library for developing snapins would be a
nice thing to have. There is one OSS one, not sure if its the one you are
talking about or not, but I wasn't particually impressed with it. I just
gave up on MMC after that, as it wasn't vital for me.
AviD said:
Though I have searched far and wide, I haven't been able to find a solid, qualified
answer to my question: can an MMC Snapin be developed in .NET? Preferrably
in fully managed code, however if necessary I would be willing to resort to unsafe
code (as long as it cane done natively in C#). Development of a Fully Managed
MMC can be done using the library found here:

It's pretty good, although MMC development in general is a major pain.

With this, it's possible to develop complete Snap-Ins using with C# or
VB.NET without having to write a single line of unmanaged code. There is a
sample in both languages, and a sample Installer as well.
Thank you both for such quick responses. I did in fact post to the Interop list, and they referred me to another list where I found an unequivocal anser from Microsoft - they in fact do not support MMC in .NET, nor do they plan to - at least until Longhorn
Regarding Ironring's MMCLibrary (the link you posted), I had already found it, and was hoping to avoid going that route (open-source, third-party, low-level C code). Does seem to be the best solution, though - at least so far
Thank you all