MMC card is not recognized in the SD slot

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yuriy Kostiv
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Yuriy Kostiv

Anybody had the same issue? I'm inserting an MMC card into the SD slot
(theoretically should work as per numerous Internet FAQ) on my ThinkPad X40
equippedd with XP SP2 and nothing happens. SD cards are being recognized
normally, no problem at all.
Sorry for the obvious question.
Does this card work in other computer/device?
Have you checked eventlog and setupapi.log ?
No, that's ok. The answer is nothing. As I was not doing anything, no track
left. Maybe it's really hardware issue but all the FAQs I've seen, read
consistently that SD slots support MMC standard as well.
It certainly should do. If the card reader is known to be working fine, try
the MMC card in a friend's card reader. It might be a dead card.
The card is ok. Actually 2 cards. One has come with my Nokia (32 MB),
another one I've bought (Kingston 512 MB) -- both are perfectly working
inside of my telephone. Card reader is also ok - reads SD without any issue.
Maybe the driver is limited functionality? But this is the original
Mircosoft driver from SP2 - IBM says with SP2 no more action needed in
relation to SD controller. Strange..