JS Bertrand
Hello All...
I’ve been using and enjoying, for the last year, a set-up that I want to
share with you.
Presently my set-up consists of a ATI-AIW Pro-16 Celoron 456Mhz 386 ram
80 gig HDD Win2k running the ATI-MMC 7.7
For the intimate it's version
I record all my TV stuff with a 320x240 22.050 KHz, 16bit audio MPEG 1
with out visual masking with 4 P frames and 2 B frames. I run it with a
3.05 M Bits/Second, a 75 Motion Estimation Quality and a 2 by 2 Motion
Estimation Search Range. 1% frame lost.
By today standards it's nothing but my intension is to invite people
that have the same type of set-up.
I any case. The point of my post is to share the batch file that manages
the tremendous amount of data generated by all of my scheduled
recordings. I have a minimum of 7 gig of data generated every day. At
lease half of that is crap or should I call it fun TV
The rest is the
reason why do all of this... Quality TV available all the time any time
I want to see it with out all the publicity. Mind you almost all the god
TV has no publicity (Thank You public TV).
To be able to have multiple show with the same file name I had to move
them into different folders. I went out and hunt to find a batch file
that could create and move all the recordings of the same day in a
folder named after the date of the day. By doing this I had all the
stuff I wanted and it was stored nicely in separate folders. Then I got
tired of deleting empty folders. So again I wet out and fund an other
batch file that deleted empty folders. This Batch file runs every day at
All went well until my MMC stop recording ! The HDD was full an it
started to happen way to often. So again I went out and fund a other
batch file that could delete shows that used up space and where non
essential. For every show that I record I have a specific amount of day
before It gets deleted.
The batch file is very simple and uses tow different little programs
forfiles.exe and xxcopy.exe both are available to be downloaded freely
see the references a the end of the post.
So here it is
Part -1- Set the computer to the proper time. If you’re not
connected to the internet just remove that one.
Part -2- and -2a- and -3- makes a folder and moves the data stored in
h:\Multimedia\ to the new folder. The new folder has the date as It's
part -4- Is the not so good looking an not so practical part. For
show recorded I set a specific amount of days for it to live. In the
case of The Tonight Show it is set to 3 days so if I don’t delete
manually after viewing it the batch file zaps it if it is older than 3
days. I've left all my shows in for you to see that the are all the same
except for the file name and the amount of days before it gets deleted.
Part -5- This one finally deletes the empty folders.
It has not been tested on a other OS. But it should work well in Win2K
and WinXP. As for Win98 an WinMe I don’t think that a 80 Gig HDD fits
well on a single partition Fat32 file system. But then again who am I to
exclude them !
The references :
Good time servers can be fund at the address :
http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/clock2a.html always pick on that
nearest to your area.
You can get forfiles.exe from
ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/ResKit/y2kfix/x86/forfiles.exe try it a couple
of times it should work....
And then get xxcopy from http://www.xxcopy.com/ there is a free version
available for personal use.
If you need help setting the batch file in the Scheduled Task
application follow this link
http://windows.about.com/library/weekly/aa001022a.htm I am not
affiliated but hell they have screen shots of the thing
Or just type
scheduled task application in google.
Many thanks go to the alt.msdos.batch and alt.msdos.batch.nt comunety
with out them this could not have been created.
You might want to know why I use batch files... Stability, speed and
again stability : ) This thing runs in less than 2 seconds an consumes
les than a couple of K of memory ! It's jus impossible to beat that. At
least that’s my view : )
I hope some one can help me make part 4 of the batch file more
efficient. I would see it like this The Tonight Show03.mpg 03 meaning
that the file would get deleted if it is older than 3 days...
Voila !
Please reply to the news group.
JS Bertrand
Snip here and copy to a text file and name it after whatever.bat
Make sure you modify the path name and the
file name of 2a,3 and 4 and 5 for your specific needs
Make sure all the commands are on the same line.
::1- First thing first Set the proper time of day
net time /setsntp:"ntp1.cmc.ec.gc.ca ntp2.cmc.ec.gc.ca"
w32tm -v –once
::2- This is the command that grabs the current date and assigns it to a
for /f "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do set today's_dir=%%
::2a- This creates the sub-directory with the current date as the directory
md H:\Multimedia\%today's_dir%
::3- This one moves all the files in the newly created folder.
move H:\Multimedia\*.mpg H:\Multimedia\%today's_dir%
::4- This command deletes a specific file "The Tonight Show.mpg" stored in
"H:\Multimedia\" tree if it's older than 3 days "-d-3"
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"The Tonight Show.mpg" -d-3 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Daily Planet.mpg" -d-3 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Decouverte.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"La Semaine Verte.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Nature.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Techno Folie.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Cultive et bien eleve.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c
if @ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Monster Garage.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"National Geographic.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Nova.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if @ISDIR==FALSE
del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Scientific American Frontiers.mpg" -d-21 -
c"cmd /c if @ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"American Chopper.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Comment c'est fait.mpg" -d-15 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"L'Epicerie.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Law And Order.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"The West Wing.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"This Old House Hour.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Infoman.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Enjeux.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Stargate SG1.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"The New Yankee Workshop and This Old
House.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if @ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
::5- This command deletes the empty directoris
xxcopy H:\Multimedia\ /rmdir /x*.* /yy /WV0
I’ve been using and enjoying, for the last year, a set-up that I want to
share with you.
Presently my set-up consists of a ATI-AIW Pro-16 Celoron 456Mhz 386 ram
80 gig HDD Win2k running the ATI-MMC 7.7
For the intimate it's version
I record all my TV stuff with a 320x240 22.050 KHz, 16bit audio MPEG 1
with out visual masking with 4 P frames and 2 B frames. I run it with a
3.05 M Bits/Second, a 75 Motion Estimation Quality and a 2 by 2 Motion
Estimation Search Range. 1% frame lost.
By today standards it's nothing but my intension is to invite people
that have the same type of set-up.
I any case. The point of my post is to share the batch file that manages
the tremendous amount of data generated by all of my scheduled
recordings. I have a minimum of 7 gig of data generated every day. At
lease half of that is crap or should I call it fun TV

reason why do all of this... Quality TV available all the time any time
I want to see it with out all the publicity. Mind you almost all the god
TV has no publicity (Thank You public TV).
To be able to have multiple show with the same file name I had to move
them into different folders. I went out and hunt to find a batch file
that could create and move all the recordings of the same day in a
folder named after the date of the day. By doing this I had all the
stuff I wanted and it was stored nicely in separate folders. Then I got
tired of deleting empty folders. So again I wet out and fund an other
batch file that deleted empty folders. This Batch file runs every day at
All went well until my MMC stop recording ! The HDD was full an it
started to happen way to often. So again I went out and fund a other
batch file that could delete shows that used up space and where non
essential. For every show that I record I have a specific amount of day
before It gets deleted.
The batch file is very simple and uses tow different little programs
forfiles.exe and xxcopy.exe both are available to be downloaded freely
see the references a the end of the post.
So here it is
Part -1- Set the computer to the proper time. If you’re not
connected to the internet just remove that one.
Part -2- and -2a- and -3- makes a folder and moves the data stored in
h:\Multimedia\ to the new folder. The new folder has the date as It's
part -4- Is the not so good looking an not so practical part. For
show recorded I set a specific amount of days for it to live. In the
case of The Tonight Show it is set to 3 days so if I don’t delete
manually after viewing it the batch file zaps it if it is older than 3
days. I've left all my shows in for you to see that the are all the same
except for the file name and the amount of days before it gets deleted.
Part -5- This one finally deletes the empty folders.
It has not been tested on a other OS. But it should work well in Win2K
and WinXP. As for Win98 an WinMe I don’t think that a 80 Gig HDD fits
well on a single partition Fat32 file system. But then again who am I to
exclude them !
The references :
Good time servers can be fund at the address :
http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/clock2a.html always pick on that
nearest to your area.
You can get forfiles.exe from
ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/ResKit/y2kfix/x86/forfiles.exe try it a couple
of times it should work....
And then get xxcopy from http://www.xxcopy.com/ there is a free version
available for personal use.
If you need help setting the batch file in the Scheduled Task
application follow this link
http://windows.about.com/library/weekly/aa001022a.htm I am not
affiliated but hell they have screen shots of the thing

scheduled task application in google.
Many thanks go to the alt.msdos.batch and alt.msdos.batch.nt comunety
with out them this could not have been created.
You might want to know why I use batch files... Stability, speed and
again stability : ) This thing runs in less than 2 seconds an consumes
les than a couple of K of memory ! It's jus impossible to beat that. At
least that’s my view : )
I hope some one can help me make part 4 of the batch file more
efficient. I would see it like this The Tonight Show03.mpg 03 meaning
that the file would get deleted if it is older than 3 days...
Voila !
Please reply to the news group.
JS Bertrand
Snip here and copy to a text file and name it after whatever.bat
Make sure you modify the path name and the
file name of 2a,3 and 4 and 5 for your specific needs
Make sure all the commands are on the same line.
::1- First thing first Set the proper time of day
net time /setsntp:"ntp1.cmc.ec.gc.ca ntp2.cmc.ec.gc.ca"
w32tm -v –once
::2- This is the command that grabs the current date and assigns it to a
for /f "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do set today's_dir=%%
::2a- This creates the sub-directory with the current date as the directory
md H:\Multimedia\%today's_dir%
::3- This one moves all the files in the newly created folder.
move H:\Multimedia\*.mpg H:\Multimedia\%today's_dir%
::4- This command deletes a specific file "The Tonight Show.mpg" stored in
"H:\Multimedia\" tree if it's older than 3 days "-d-3"
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"The Tonight Show.mpg" -d-3 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Daily Planet.mpg" -d-3 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Decouverte.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"La Semaine Verte.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Nature.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Techno Folie.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Cultive et bien eleve.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c
if @ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Monster Garage.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"National Geographic.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Nova.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if @ISDIR==FALSE
del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Scientific American Frontiers.mpg" -d-21 -
c"cmd /c if @ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"American Chopper.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Comment c'est fait.mpg" -d-15 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"L'Epicerie.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Law And Order.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"The West Wing.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"This Old House Hour.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Infoman.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Enjeux.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"Stargate SG1.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if
@ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
forfiles -pH:\Multimedia\ -s -m"The New Yankee Workshop and This Old
House.mpg" -d-21 -c"cmd /c if @ISDIR==FALSE del "0x22@PATH\@FILE""
::5- This command deletes the empty directoris
xxcopy H:\Multimedia\ /rmdir /x*.* /yy /WV0