MM2 very very slow

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I'm creating a slide show that's about 20 minutes long with jpeg photos and
mp3 music and is currently 5 MB. Every click to move or edit takes a long
time. Even loading the project takes 10-15 minutes. Is this problem caused
by the same issues as the hang/crash problem? It seems if I rush the program
at all by not waiting before clicking ahead it may freeze up so I do try and
wait for each step to complete before moving on but this is causing my
project to take way to long to complete. I do reboot just before opening the
project and have nothing else open while working on it.

Thanks, Brenda
Well you just named 2 file extensions that have been reported by many to
cause occasional problems with WMM. These are .JPG (Convert to BMP) and .MP3
(Convert to WMA or WAV) I have had the experience you are describing a few
times when working with JPG's and MP3's and this is likely to be what the
problem is.
That's all well and good if it is possible to convert jpeg's to bmp and mp3
to wma after the project is it? I've worked a long time to
import these pictures and songs then place them in the project.

Also, I am now having problems copying the project onto a CD or even saving
it onto my computer as it says the following:

"Troubleshooting saving a movie to My computer
This section covers the following issues when saving a movie to My computer.

Movie file exceeds the FAT32 4-gigabyte size limit. Explains what you can do
if your movie file cannot be created because it exceeds the 4 GB file size
limit supported by the FAT32 file system.

Not enough disk available free disk space. Explains what you can do if there
is not enough disk space available to save your movie.

Movie file saving destination does not exist. Explains what to do when a
movie cannot be saved successfully because the saving destination is no
longer available.

Source files for movie not found. Explains what to do when a movie cannot be
saved because one or more of the original source files cannot be found. "

Now, the files size it says it will save to may computer or copy to a CD is
143.99 MB and I know there's enough space so that leaves the last possibility
which is a problem with source files. I do not believe I've changed anthing
with any source files and if I have how do I figure out whcih one? And how
come if MM2 can find all the files in order to play them if the preview it
can't find them to copy or save?

Thanks for your help, Brenda
The disk space error also occurs, even though this isn't what the error
says, when you use a source file that is causing issues.
As far as converting goes, unless you have a lot of MP3's which is unusual,
you can convert them and reimport them without much trouble.
For the JPG's Papajohn has said you can convert them and simply change the
file extensions back from BMP to JPG. If this was to work then you could
place them back in the same directory (after backing up the original JPG's
just in case) with the JPG extension and you would not need to reimport them
into your project.
The other possibility that we haven't talked about yet is that the project
could simply be too complex for your system in which case you can split the
project into sections and save each section.

For more information on this go to my website "Movie Maker" section
To-Do's ->
"How to Split up a Project due to complexity issues"
It takes you step by step on how to do it.
-- Wojo
Wojo's Web:'s_Place/
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Ok...I'm having somewhat of a similar problem...only mine is with videos and
not pictures. A while back ago I imported video into MM and split some of the
clips... just recently now some of the clips are having problems (most
videos are in . MPG format with the exception of a couple .AVI format)
Whenever I add the clips to the storyboard, the clip is different. The clip
seems to jump ahead to a later point in the movie and does not match up with
the original clip. Why is this and what can I do to fix it? I have decoders
installed that helps with importing .MPG videos into MM. One other
thing...whenever I try to save a video, I get a message which says:Windows
cannot save the movie to the specified location. Verify that the original
files used in your movie are still avaliable, that the saving location is
still available, and that there is enough free disk space available , and
then try again. I have tried saving my video several times and have checked
my source files and everything and nothing has been renamed or deleted. There
is also
enough disk space. MM was working fine a few days ago but now it's giving me
problems! Please help! Thanks!
Decoders installed or not I would almost guarantee the problem is because of
the MPG files.
Convert them to AVI and I bet the problem goes away.
Sorry I haven't replied...May I ask what video converter you suggest and
where to download it from? Thanks!