MM2 Started Crashing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim Dunlap jadunlapjr
  • Start date Start date

Jim Dunlap jadunlapjr

Hi. Jim here again. I neglected to be more specific
about the crashing problem. It's occurs when I'm
importing video from a MPEG file (usually about 1.3 Gigs
or smaller) into the program to start a project session.
The computer will get between 10% and 70% through the
process and then -- poof -- the screen goes blank and the
computer shuts. Down. Here is the Event Viewer
Application Error message I get if this helps:

The description for Event ID ( 1 ) in Source ( True
Vector Engine ) cannot be found. The local computer may
not have the necessary registry information or message
DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You
may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this
description; see Help and Support for details. The
following information is part of the event: .

0000: 54 69 6d 65 6f 75 74 20 Timeout
0008: 6f 6e 20 64 65 62 75 67 on debug
0010: 20 6d 75 74 65 78 00 mutex.
Hi there,

Your problem may be caused by a codec that Movie Maker does not like. This
a very common issue.

Your one-stop-don't-need-to-look-anywhere-else Solution is with a program
called "Rename Codecs".

Instead of reading miles of dross that is full of maybe's and perhaps's
just run the program, it takes a few moments to identify all of the known
codecs that cause this problem and gives you the opportunity of renaming
them, or, you can now use the new Auto feature in version 1.5 and let the
program take care of virtually everything to do with this problem

You can then run Movie Maker and immediately determine if it actually was a
codec issue. If it was a codec issue Movie Maker will now run properly. If
it was not the issue, you have lost nothing more than a short amount of

Whether or not it was a codec issue you must run the program once more and
restore the problem codecs to their original names.

The two procedures together can take less time than it did to read this
message and a whole lot less than reading mountains of bumph that may or
may not apply to you.

The program "Rename Codecs" is free and available from my website.

While there it would be a good idea to check out the tutorial on how to run
the program...that will take around one minute of your time!!! Use this
quick link to get there real fast

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
The description for Event ID ( 1 ) in Source ( True
Vector Engine ) cannot be found.

Recognise that one straight away! It's from an old version of ZoneAlarm.
Download the new version - but don't uninstall old yet.

Finished downloading? OK, uninstall old version, reboot, install new
version, reboot.
Save movie again - did that work?

(In case anyone else was wondering, I was trying to minimize the time he was
running without Zonealarm - although I would recommend disconnecting from
net, temporarily shutting down ZA, using MM2, not forgetting to restart ZA
Hi Alan. Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately I'm
still getting the crash and restart when I try loading a
file. I'll try the other suggestions posted. Hey, I
still owe you a beer for the help. Jim.