MM2 preview shows only top half of image

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roger of Canberra
  • Start date Start date

Roger of Canberra

This is now a more consistent problem, but I beieve it has
caused my MM2 to go 'belly up' before. The bottom half of
the preview screen either is black or flickers with a blue
or a 2 colour image of a Windows Explorer like list though
illegible. Viewed full screen, the iamge has horizontal
scan type stripes through it and it all flickers. Appears
to be better when rendered to wmv as it deinterlaces it.
Oh yeah, source video is either DV-AVI 30fps or Analogue
(S-Video) PAL @ 25fps - now using a canopus ACE DVio
capture card.

I have downloaded and applied the latest Matrox graphics
card drivers.

This issue started when I captured some video from my NTSC
VX2000 which was set to Progressive scan. I've since
reinstalled XP and my drivers, albeit over an existing
Is it a codec problem? I also have Pinnacle 7.15,
Procoder Express, and a host of other utilities, codecs
etc, though with the reinstall they might not be
registered yet.

Using Matrox G550, 1Gb DDR, P4 2.66Ghz CPU, XP Pro, Dx9b
and a number of large HDD's with space.

Help is appreciated.
remove '_nospam_' to reply.
Are you using both ntsc and pal source footage in the same project?
Hi Roger,
I've got some questions for you, to help me narrow down what's happening.

1. When you play the individual clips from the collections pane, do
you see the same thing?
2. Does it do this with all content that you capture?
3. Did Movie Maker work for you before your re-install?
4. Do you see the same artifacts when you publish the movie out to
5. You say that you have a quantity of different video software living
on the machine, is it installed or just sitting there from the previous
6. Which Matrox video card are you using?

It may take me a while to narrow this down, as I don't have a ACEDVio card,
but hopefully we can get you up and running.
Lisa Campbell-Smith[MS]
Hi and thanks for replying
1 Yes, the top half only appears when playing back in the collections pane, it goes to full screen OK but it appears to be badly interlaced (like worse than normal). It renders full screen also, if a bit grainy - not sure if that's due to the lighting quality at the time..
If clips are inserted onto the time line I generally get one or the other ie: Top half or full preview - I'll sus this out some more

2. Generally it's fairly consistent with all captured footage off my Sony Cameras (both NTSC) either thru my Pinnacle Based card or thru the ACEDVIO via analogue input (as its coming from a NTSC to PAL converter. I have tried direct DV inpout to the ACEDVio (in NTSC) with the same result. Of course I switch the ACEDVio to PAL or NTSC via it's internal switchblock when changing formats and MM2 seems to recognise this

3. MM2 did work for me generally, at times however the playback from the time line would freeze in video while audio played on, and then catch up, but I don't think this was from using different input formats on that project

4. I am unsure of this - and maybe need to test it. Generally I publish to WMV - just to get the job done

5. Most is just sitting there from the previous install, and I'm weeding it out as I go. I did a fair bit of evaluation around Dec 2003 - Jan 2004 of Canopus Let's Edit, Ulead Movie factory, Video magic, MovieXone, TMPGenc, Virtualdub etc. I have a desire to know how it all works and how to get the best out of the utilities. I guess it's possible that I have a Codec conflict there in that 'Alphabet soup'. I have since added Vegas 5 to th emix and it seems to be viewing fine so far. So far I still like MM2 as it is fairly quick and simple, and will continue to be so for the quick jobs

6. Matrox G550 - latest drivers and Dx9

Roger Griffiths [MCP] - please also refer my email address-edit the spamtrap,
Hi Roger,
Capturing progressive content, in and of itself should not cause the
issues you are seeing. Judging from the symptoms you've given me, I'm
venturing that it is Driver/Codec related. Because I don't have access to
one of the ACEDVio devices I can't check any further right now. Check with
the Canopus website to make sure that you have the latest version of their
drivers. Since you do have something of an alphabet soup of codecs, I
suggest you look at the website you will find a
wealth of information about Codecs which have interactions with MM.
Good Luck,
Lisa Campbell-Smith[MS]

Can you please stop posting using html formatted are
providing a gateway for any virus/worm that's capable of attaching itself to
your messages....As a Microsoft Employee I would expect you to know that
what you are doing is very bad manners and against the rules of Netiquet and
against the rules of Usenet.

Here is a sample of your last message.

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi Roger,
Capturing progressive content, in and of itself should not cause the
issues you are seeing. Judging from the symptoms you've given me, I'm
venturing that it is Driver/Codec related. Because I don't have access to
one of the ACEDVio devices I can't check any further right now. Check with
the Canopus website to make sure that you have the latest version of their
drivers. Since you do have something of an alphabet soup of codecs, I
suggest you look at the website you will find a
wealth of information about Codecs which have interactions with MM.
Good Luck,
Lisa Campbell-Smith[MS]
Content-Type: text/x-rtf
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

MS Sans Serif;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Hi Roger,
\par Capturing progressive content, in and of itself should not cause the
issues you are seeing. Judging from the symptoms you've given me, I'm
venturing that it is Driver/Codec related. Because I don't have access to
one of the ACEDVio devices I can't check any further right now. Check with
the Canopus website to make sure that you have the latest version of their
drivers. Since you do have something of an alphabet soup of codecs, I
suggest you look at the website you will find a
wealth of information about Codecs which have interactions with MM.
\par Good Luck,
\par Lisa Campbell-Smith[MS]
\par }