mm2 freeezes up frequently

  • Thread starter Thread starter suzi
  • Start date Start date


after 3 min of storboard playing with some added audio,
or a few editing commands it freezes up. The entire
storyboard is under 14 min. Use task manager it states
that program is not responding so I end the program and
sometimes restart the computer . I have a dell dimension
4550 pentium 4 processor at 2.0 GHz 256 MB, SDRAM at
266Mhz with an added 512 memory chip. Do not know how I
will be able to finish my project with this problem.
Please help me, Suzi
I have had the same problem. I find that if I close all
other programs while working on my movie, and also being
careful not to click the mouse needlessly and give each
action time to complete. I am able to complete my
projects. hope this helps.
Hi Suzi,

Maybe the Problem Solving... Checklist at will help.

But hopefully you have your AutoRecover setting such that it's acting like
it's freezing up, and changing the frequency of the process will help.
