MM2 Forever locking up

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dale
  • Start date Start date


It doesn't matter what function I'm doing at the time.
Constantly having to CTRL,ALT, DEL in order to close it and fire it up
again. I've read and read I've checked for the Codec it is NOT anywhere on my system. Is that a problem?
I also have to set my Acceleration setting to 3, in order to save the
movie properly. I really like this program, but this constant locking
up is pretty aggravating. Ideas?
Thank you,
Hi there,

The problem may still be with a codec. When I add this problem it was
because I had installed the give away version of Intervideo DVD player. The
codec was called something like am not certain now of the
name. If you have Intervideo software, you can go to their website and
download the upto date codecs at a small cost and they will fix the
I don't know if this will help in your situation but I was just having this
horribly annoying problem.I couldn't make more than two edits before the
whole program locked up and I'd have to restart the computer. I was
convinced I had corrupt RAM so I called my tech support (cuz I'm under
warranty) and they fixed it!

Do you have Windows XP?

If so... in the Windows folder (on the C drive) there is another folder
called "Prefetch". I was told to delete everything in that folder and then

Since then my computer has been speedy and Movie Maker has been running

Hope that helps!
I don't know if this will help in your situation but I was just having this
horribly annoying problem.I couldn't make more than two edits before the
whole program locked up and I'd have to restart the computer. I was
convinced I had corrupt RAM so I called my tech support (cuz I'm under
warranty) and they fixed it!

Do you have Windows XP?

If so... in the Windows folder (on the C drive) there is another folder
called "Prefetch". I was told to delete everything in that folder and then

Since then my computer has been speedy and Movie Maker has been running

Hope that helps!

Yes, I do have XP and yes, I do have a folder called "Prefetch". I'm a
little nervous about deleting all the files in there, since I don't
really know what they all are...but I suppose I could always do a
"restore" if things go bad. At this point, I'm willing to try
Hi there,

Prefetch is how XP seems to run faster, everything used frequently is in
there, if you like its a bit like XP using hard drive space as a kind of
virtual memory.

I delete the contents of mine if I have installed a new version of a
program. You should note that if you do a defrag after deleting the
contents of Prefetch, then the new contents of Prefetch will be further
away from sector 0 of the hard drive, meaning that the heads will have to
travel further to get to it.

It is true that deleting the contents will initially make the system seem
to run quicker, that's just a measure of the new small index against the
old large index. I delete the contents so as to force XP to go get the
latest files etc.
I don't know if this will help in your situation but I was just having this
horribly annoying problem.I couldn't make more than two edits before the
whole program locked up and I'd have to restart the computer. I was
convinced I had corrupt RAM so I called my tech support (cuz I'm under
warranty) and they fixed it!

Do you have Windows XP?

If so... in the Windows folder (on the C drive) there is another folder
called "Prefetch". I was told to delete everything in that folder and then

Since then my computer has been speedy and Movie Maker has been running

Hope that helps!

I have deleted all files in Prefetch. It sure did speed up my computer
noticeably. But, MM2 is still locking up intermittently. Maybe a codec
problem, I don't know. But a codec problem seems like finding a needle
in a haystack. Thanks for the Prefetch tip, but I'll probably just
have to live with it locking up.