MM2 Bug List

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Al Stu

Been reading through some of PapaJohn's web site and find there are bugs
mentioned here and there. It would be nice if there was a bug list one
could go to to see if a symptom they are experiencing is due to a known bug.
Is there such a list already in existence? If not I think this would be a
great addition to your site PapaJohn.
Hi Al,

If there were such a list, I'd put it there....

I'm sure there's an 'official' bug list maintained by Microsoft, but I don't
have access to it... and even if I did it, I probably couldn't share the

And then there's the assorted comments from the users that form some sort of
bug list.... those are the comments sprinkled throughout my site..... which
might be more important than any official bug list.

The important bugs are those that effect the many users, so sharing what we
know of them as they roll up into Microsoft's official list is an important
part of the process.

I wish I could sort bugs from user-specific issues.... take the item
mentioned in Grandad's post today.... ".... the so-called MP3 to DV-AVI
sound clipping bug....". Is it a bug in MM2, a user-specific setup issue, a
bug in other software that relates to MM2, etc..... I don't have the ability
to sort such things out. That's why I just include the info I get from the
community of users, what I get from Microsoft, and what I experience myself.

The bugs mentioned here and there on my site are called that by the users
who posted.... not by Microsoft.... I know the info gets lengthy, that not
all of it is accurate, and that it's often hard to find what you are looking

Maybe someday it'll get to be a neater list!!! For now, the Problem Solving
Checklist is the closest I can get today.

Movie Maker 2:
PhotoStory 2:
I agree there are a lot of issues people have that are not bugs with MM and
those clearly would not be appropriate in a bug list.

What I mean by bug list are things people have found and it has be
reasonably established to be an issue, quirk, bug (something that does not
work correctly) in MM.

As an example consider the following. If there where a list like this a
person could quickly look through to see if a symptom they are experiencing
is listed with links to further detail it would make it a lot easier to find
the pertinent information. Think of it like a combination of an index and
table of contents, but specifically for bugs.

PJ Ref #: 1

MS KB #: KB109473 (if exist) (hyper link)

Title: 27th Frame Drop From Each Clip


The 27th frame of each clip in the time line is dropped when saving movie as


Microsoft KB Links, etc.

MM Version: 1.0 Status: Did Not Exist with Type II DV-AVI
MM Version: 2.0 Status: Open
MM Version: 2.1 Status: Fixed (we hope)

Workaround: None
Hi Al,

Yes, such a list would be nice.... but it's not in the cards for me to put
it together. I see too much in the way of maintenance efforts to keep the
listing up to date.

I'd gladly put such a list on my site if someone wanted to put it together
and maintain it, or I'd make a link to it if it was on another website.

The example you used is one that I'm pretty familiar with, as I did the
testing to define it. Problems I have packaging it so neatly include: (1) I
didn't test it in MM1 as a type II DV-AVI, so I don't know that it wasn't
the same there, (2) I saw it in my personal testing with MM2, but no-one
else has verified my results, (3) I have the beta of MM2.1, but I'm not
testing it to see if anything has changed relating to it.

In my mental hierarchy of 'clues', 'symptoms', and 'issues (somewhat
synonymous with bugs)', I consider the 27th frame results to be just a clue.

If you want to try the list, I'd be more than happy to work with you.

Movie Maker 2:
PhotoStory 2: