MM2 Appl errors

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I have been trying unsuccessfully to make a movie file (for pc use) from a
working project file for several weeks now. The first few attempts ended
with MM hanging in the middle of the procedure (and I had to kill the task)
since it was taking too long. I read a tech note that recommended increasing
my virtual page file setting - so I doubled it from 1535 MB to 3000MB and
still had the problem (have 1 GB RAM memory already). So next I tried
breaking up my project in three pieces per tech note (each 12 minutes long)
and successfully created two movie files. The third movie section crashed
with an appl. error (AppVer:2.0 3312.0 Modname:qedit.dll offset 0001a412) and
MM had to close down - so I am screwed for now. If third section had worked,
I was going to import all 3 files into a project and then try to make a
composite movie - but who knows if this wouldn't crash also. Maybe this
product is not robust enough for what I am trying to do. There is nothing
that tells you what the product limitations are so its basically trial and
error at this point - I may have wasted a lot of time putting together a
project file that cannot be compiled. Any help appreciated at this point

Read the FAQ that was posted here a few messages after your post...your
solution may be in there...If not do please ask again.

You should also note that the recommended maximum size of a pagefile is just
2.5 times the amount of RAM.

One of my machines has 1.5GB of DDRAM on which I am presently editing a 3hr
video (original format s-video from a standard VHS tape) Memory usage seldom
goes over 600MB even with other program page file usage hardly
ever goes over 384MB....with 1GB of RAM your usage will not be much different
to mine...once you go over around 3/4GB the extra is hardly ever used (talking
normal programs that the every day user has access to) Your best possible usage
of excess RAM is in the creation of a RAM DISK which you could point program
too for their temporary usage, watch your programs FLY !!!

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
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